(Michael Robison) On Monday, a leaked thread of messages from Twitter’s employees revealed their consideration of de-platforming a conservative account LibsofTikTok, an account that exposes the leftist and liberal agendas of today’s teachers, leaders, and influencers.
Trump Unleashes on ‘Lazy and Cowardly’ Bill Barr in Leaked Letter to NBC Anchor
(Abby Liebing) Former President Donald Trump ranted about his Attorney General Bill Barr in a letter to “NBC Nightly News” anchor Lester Holt.
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Leaked Docs Show “Woke” Walmart Now Subjecting White Employees To Race Propaganda, Telling Them They Are Guilty of Internalized Racial Superiority
(JD Heyes) Scores of U.S. corporations, most of which used to be run by patriots who believed in their country and believed that our diverse population was complimentary and unique, are now led by woke semi-capitalists who have adopted a Marxist view of America and are fomenting hate and division within their employee ranks.
Bombshell: Leaked Video Reveals Doctors, Hospital Officials Discussing How to Inflate Covid-19 Numbers to Scare People Into Getting Vaccinated
(Arsenio Toledo) A leaked video of a virtual meeting reveals doctors and hospital executives discussing how to inflate their Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) case numbers to scare people into getting vaccinated
Leaked Email Exposes Biden Admin’s ‘Highly Sensitive’ Plan to Get Your Kids Vaccinated
(Isa Cox) As the White House continues its efforts to increase vaccination rates across the country, it’s recruiting pop stars and social media influencers to help get the message out.
VIDEO Emerges of Hunter Biden Arguing With Sister-in-Law He Had An Affair With While Smoking Pipe In Bed
(Leisa Audette) It’s hard to believe Hunter Biden could go any lower, but it has happened.
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Hunter Biden Proposed Union for Prostitutes, According to Texts on Leaked Hard Drive
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Hunter Biden, who spent thousands of dollars on prostitutes across the nation, proposed a plan for them to unionize in a 2019 conversation that was on his leaked hard drive.
Scientists Say It ‘Remains to Be Addressed’ Whether COVID-19 Leaked from a Lab
(Daniel Payne) Virus’s optimal binding properties suggest possible engineered origin, they claim.
Leaked UFO Footage From Secret Pentagon Investigation Is Real
(Anthony T) What could this be?
Mark Zuckerberg’s Phone Number Is Among the Personal Data from 533 MILLION Facebook Users Leaked by Hackers
(Jim Hoft) Personal data from more than 533 million Facebook users was leaked by hackers on Friday.
HORROR! Photos Leaked of Joe Biden’s Migrant Children in Cages – Kids Stuffed into Holding ‘Pods’ in Squalid Conditions
(Jim Hoft) Photos were leaked today to Axios of children stuffed into crowded cages in squalid conditions at a US Customs and Border Protection overflow facility.
In the First Declassified Russia Collusion Document Released – Christopher Steele Admitted in September 2017 that He Leaked His Dossier in 2016 to Help Hillary Clinton
(Joe Hoft) Last week President Trump asked that the Russia collusion documents finally be released to the public and yesterday the first document was released:
Leaked: Whistleblower Describes Justice Roberts’ Connection to Jeffrey Epstein [Part 4/4]
Leaked: Whistleblower Describes Justice Roberts’ Connection to Jeffrey Epstein [Part 4/4]
Leaked: Whistleblower Describes Justice Roberts’ Connection to Jeffrey Epstein [Part 3/4]
Leaked: Whistleblower Describes Justice Roberts’ Connection to Jeffrey Epstein [Part 3/4]
Leaked: Whistleblower Describes Justice Roberts’ Connection to Jeffrey Epstein [Part 2/4]
Leaked: Whistleblower Describes Justice Roberts’ Connection to Jeffrey Epstein [Part 2/4]