(John W. Whitehead) How could this be happening right under our noses? That’s what readers wanted to know after my column went viral about the extent to which young children are being bought and sold for sex in America.Where are the police when these children—some as young as 9 years old—are being raped repeatedly?
BREAKING: Trump Finally Speaks Out Against Censorship on Social Media
(Justin Deschamps) It appears POTUS is finally taking a stand against censorship on the internet. This issue is something that the President can intervene in because a public square is a lawfully protected space. A people have the collective right to exchange information, conduct business and do commerce in a public square.
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‘I’m Willing to Go to Jail For It’: Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce New Gun Confiscation Law
(Matt Agorist) In February of 2018, after the tragic shooting in Parkland, FL, President Donald Trump took to national television to betray his oath to the Constitution and his supporters and famously said, “take the guns first, go through due process second.” While this was largely ignored by his base and downplayed in the media since then, that’s exactly what’s been happening. On Friday, Democratic Gov. Jared Polis signed one of the most controversial “red flag” gun confiscation bills into law. The silver lining to this tyranny is that sheriffs are refusing to enforce it and even willing to go to jail to resist.
Informed Consent in Psychology
(Explore Your Mind) Informed consent is one of the most important requirements within professional practice.
More Than 50,000 Marijuana Convictions in Los Angeles Will Be Automatically Wiped Clean
(Vic Bishop) In the age of cannabis legalization, we have to reconcile the damage done by the war on this medicinal and enjoyable plant. In this effort, a growing number of cities and counties in cannabis legal states are advancing legislation to expunge the criminal records of people with certain marijuana related convictions. Even the federal government is showing signs of slowly getting on board with this, as Democrats recently introduced federal legislation that would legalize cannabis nationwide and erase possession charges.
Revolutionary Bill to Reject Federal Gov’t, Prohibit Vaccines Until Proven Safe AND Necessary
(The Free Thought Project) A bill introduced in the Texas Senate would prohibit vaccines from being administered unless certain safety criteria are met. Passage of the bill would significantly strengthen vaccine safety testing requirements and push back against any future federal vaccine mandates.
State Upholds Law that Men Can Rape Women if They Withdraw Consent After Sex Begins
(Matt Agorist) A decades old law, that has allowed countless rapists to walk free, states that a man can use violence against a woman if she tries to withdraw consent from sex.
How Universal Basic Income Could Be Used to Suppress Free Speech
(Nathan A. Kreider) Fears of job loss through automation have fueled advocacy for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in recent years. Now that presidential candidate Andrew Yang has qualified for the first Democratic presidential debate, we can be confident that UBI will be a popular topic in the race for the presidency.
Your Government Legally Owns You – So What Can You Do About It?
(Justin Deschamps) A growing number of people are starting to unveil the plethora of hidden truths that are right there for us to see if we simply dig past the surface and think logically.
The Science of Morality — Consensus Conformity vs. Free Thought Individuality
(Rosanne Lindsay, ND) No one speaks of morality anymore. It’s not sexy.
Why The Law Forbids The Medicinal Use of Natural Substances
(Collective Evolution) According to the FDA’s legal definition, a drug is anything that “diagnoses, cures, mitigates, treats, or prevents a disease.” The problem with this definition is that there are numerous substances, as readily available and benign as found on our spice racks, which have been proven by countless millennia of human experience to mitigate, prevent and in some cases cure disease, and which cannot be called drugs according to the FDA.
Proposed Federal Law Will “Garnish Wages” from Paychecks of Student Loan Holders
(Matt Agorist) As government subsides continue to flow into colleges across the country, the price of tuition continues to skyrocket, with some rates shooting up nearly 400% since 2000. Over the same period, as the price of college went up, median income in the US went down. This created the perfect storm for what we are currently witnessing right now—a black hole of student loan debt.
Anna Von Reitz — Owning Trillionaires: Read this Conversation
(Anna Von Reitz) Nearly every day I get calls from wealthy people saying — “I have billions of dollars (or more) of assets in bank accounts and its all right there on the FED Grey Screen….. but I can’t access anything. What is going on?”
Can We Do Without Money?
(Anthony Migchels) As it is clear that money throughout most of history has been the key source of domination by the ‘hidden’ World Government, it is natural that many conclude that money itself is the problem, and that it must go.
5 Legal Strategies To Reduce Your Tax Burden
(Nicholas West) While people feel compelled to continue debating the government shutdown, the reality remains that tax collection is expected to continue uninterrupted. The old maxim that the two great inescapable realities are death and taxes should come as an affront to the liberty-minded, however. The mandatory payment of taxes is as unnatural as death is natural, and is a human construct that is a historically recent phenomenon.