(Joe Hoft) With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there has been a great amount of misinformation coming from Russia, Ukraine, US, and Western media. It is difficult to unwind what is true and what is not. But one thing we know – the ‘Ghose of Ukraine’ didn’t recently die. We know this because he never lived.
New Russian Claims: Kiev Wanted to Use Drones to Deliver Bioweapons to Donbass
(Richard Abelson) Documents and other evidence from US-funded laboratories in Ukraine suggest that Kiev was planning to use drones to deploy pathogens against the Donbass as well as Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday. Moscow has also identified specific US officials involved in the development of bioweapons in Ukraine.
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HORRIFIC VIDEO Shows Russian Tanks Advancing Through Northern District of Kiev – Rolling Over a Vehicle with a Man Inside
(Jim Hoft) The Russians continued their invasion of Ukraine on Friday.