(Paul Joseph Watson) So-called “family friendly” displays on show during this weekend’s gay pride parades included children being exposed to bare breasts, fetish kinks like ‘puppy play’, twerking, half naked men whipping each other, and chants of “we have genitals and lube.”
Kids In The Kitchen: 21 Age-Appropriate Chores
(Tim Makay) Kids spending time in the kitchen is an important part of life, because they need to be familiar with the basics of preparing food. But it’s also important for their survival.
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Photos of Wyoming Kids Learning Gun Safety in School Light Up Internet, Spread Like Wildfire
(Grant Atkinson) When most adults think of physical education in elementary and middle school, it conjures up memories of fitness tests or organized dodgeball games.
“Some People Got the Wrong One” – New York Nurse Whistleblower Recordings Show Possible Botched Administration of Covid Vax on Kids (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Project Veritas on Wednesday evening released whistleblower recordings that show medical staff and supervisors admitting they made mistakes when administering Covid vaccines to children.
Video: Biden Orders Parents Not To Allow Kids Near The Unvaxxed
(Steve Watson) Also bizarrely tells them to avoid ‘actual buses’, from his fake Oval office
CBS Edits Out Their Own Reporter Blasting Pandemic Response for Hurting Kids
(Cassandra Fairbanks) CBS has censored their own reporter and chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford blasting the media for underreporting the mental health effect of lockdowns on kids.
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SICK. New Jersey TV Ad Exploits Santa to Push COVID-19 Vaccination on Kids (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Those who are pushing children to take the COVID-19 vaccine despite its dangers are now exploiting Santa to encourage kids to get the vaccine.
Texas AG Investigating Pharmaceutical Companies That Promote Hormone Blockers for Kids
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced an investigation into two pharmaceutical companies that allegedly promote the use of hormone blocking drugs for children.
Research on Kids’ Exposure to Screens and Smartphones Literally Doesn’t Paint a Pretty Picture
(B.N. Frank) Research has determined that children’s use of smartphones and other screens as well as their exposure to blue light, cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation and other Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) is harmful to their health. American Academy of Pediatrics and other health experts have been warning about this for years. In fact, American tech insiders (aka “Silicon Valley Parents”) have taken considerable measures to limit their own kids’ use and exposure to screens. This has included sending them to private low-tech or no-tech schools, requiring nannies to sign “No Screens” contracts, and spying on nannies to make sure they don’t break them (see 1, 2).
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WATCH: North Carolina Lt. Gov. Says He Won’t Resign After Blasting Schools for Teaching Graphic Sexual Concepts to Kids
(Cassandra Fairbanks) North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson says that he will not bow to calls for him to resign after he blasted schools for teaching sexual concepts to young children.
It’s Spreading: Kids In School Bus Chant “F*ck Joe Biden” in Michigan as They Pass Massive Anti-Biden Rally (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) From the mouths of babes…
Texas: Transgender Surgery Being Performed on Kids is Child Abuse and Violates the Law
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) have determined that transgender surgeries being performed on children is abuse and violates state law.
Sleep on the Floor: Activist Instructs Parents on How to Keep Kids Alive in City That Defunded Police
(Elizabeth Stauffer) Less than two weeks after the death of George Floyd last year, members of the Minneapolis City Council vowed to defund the city’s police department.
Kids Face Masks Cause Cancer — It Even Says So on the Box
(Jim Hoft) In July Dr. Tony Fauci joined his sycophants at MSNBC to spout off about vaccinating children and forcing toddlers to wear facemasks. Fauci argued that children older than 2 should follow the guidelines of the CDC and that unvaccinated children greater than two years old should be wearing masks.
Study of 48,000 Kids with COVID Comes to Damning Conclusion as Mortality Rate for Group Sits at Zero
(Mike Landry) Get your children vaccinated for COVID.