(Benjamin Fulford) Dear Mr. Fulford,
khazarian mafia
HIDDEN HISTORY: Schiff Banking Family, Ukraine ruled by Khazarians & Roots of Russophobia
(Shoshoni) Who knew that the Mainstream Media spinmeisters work for America’s enemies?
Support this site so we can continue to tell you the truth.
The Fraudulent Khazar Claim to Palestine
(Henry Makow) The Khazars bought the “Jewish” franchise in the 8th Century. They needed to distinguish themselves from their neighbors who were Christians and Muslims.
Khazarians Then and Khazarians Now
(Preston James, Ph.D) It’s a well-established historical fact that Khazaria was destroyed by both Russia and Persia (now Iran) in approximately 1250 AD, and with good reason. Related: Dutch Elite Banker Blows the Whistle on the Illuminati Banking System (Video and Transcript) Source – Operation Disclosure by Preston James, Ph.D, September 5th, 2017 Many years of prior very […]
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — July 11th 2016: Khazarian mafia power structure crumbling in very public fashion
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford’s report from July 11th 2016 has been updated. Click here to read the full report. This post serves as a notice that the original has been updated. In the above link, scroll down to where it says: [Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week] Comey’s press conference also left on […]
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — July 4th 2016: Khazarian mafia defeat certain as rebellion spreads in the EU the US and elsewhere
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford’s report from July 4th 2016 has been updated. Click here to read the full report. This post serves as a notice that the original has been updated. In the above link, scroll down to where it says: [Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week] The pro-EU factions have tried […]
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Benjamin Fulford — July 4th 2016: Khazarian mafia defeat certain as rebellion spreads in the EU the US and elsewhere
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Update – The full report is provided below. In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update here is a portion of his report. This post will be updated after approximately 3 days since its initial release; usually on Thursday. Added links below. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford The […]
Benjamin Fulford July 4th 2016 (Video Update): A July 10th FINAL Deadline for the Khazarian Mafia, and Their Allies, Has Been Set
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Update – Benjamin Fulford posted the following six-minute video issuing a warning to the Cabal, and their allies, saying they have a deadline of July 10th to begin working with the White Dragon Society in a project to restore the planet and end tyranny. If no response to the deadline is […]
FULL UPDATE | Benjamin Fulford – January 11th 2016: Khazarian financial system and Mafiosi under systematic attack as world revolution unfolds
Benjamin Fulford’s report from Monday the 11th of January has been updated with the full article. Click here to read the full report. This post is merely to serve as a notice that the original post has been updated. In the above link, scroll down to where it says: [Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week] Meanwhile, in […]
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Benjamin Fulford – January 11th 2016: Khazarian financial system and Mafiosi under systematic attack as world revolution unfolds
Update – The full report is provided below. David Wilcock left a comment on this update, which can be read here. In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update until 3 days have passed, here is the partial update. This post will be updated after 3 days since its initial release; usually on […]
FULL UPDATE | Benjamin Fulford – December 28th 2015: The past year has seen pre-revolutionary turmoil, next may come post-revolutionary turmoil
Benjamin Fulford’s report from Monday the 28th of December has been updated with the full article. Click here to read the full report. This is merely to serve as a notice that the original post has been updated. In the above link, scroll down to where it says: [Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week] Bloomberg […]
Benjamin Fulford – December 28th 2015: The past year has seen pre-revolutionary turmoil, next may come post-revolutionary turmoil
Update – The full report is provided below. In honor of Ben’s request to withhold posting the full update until 3 days, here is the partial update. This post will be updated after 3 days since its initial release; usually on Wednesday. Added links below. PS – I thought it was interesting that Fulford mentioned an […]
COBRA: Proxy Galactic War in Syria – Khazarian Draco Incarnation Plan, Putin Allied with Pleiadians, Soft Disclosure and more
Source – COBRA 2012 Portal October 19th, 2015 Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Not much can be said about that now publicly. On the other hand, clearing of their Draco and Reptilian minions is now quite intense and has already reached the awareness of the mainstream population: http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151018/1028720468/end-new-world-order-russia-shifts-balance-power.html http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/10/14/putins-wild-card-in-syria/ Here it is important to […]
Benjamin Fulford – September 7th 2015: Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution
Update – The full update is provided below. In honor of Ben’s request to withhold posting the full update until 3 days have past, here is the partial update. This post will be updated after 3 days have pasted since its initial release. Added links below. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford Chaos and conflict at […]
Benjamin Fulford – September 1st 2015: A small scale military operation would be enough to remove the Khazarian cabal from power
Update – The full update is provided below. In honor of Ben’s request to withhold posting the full update until 3 days have past, here is the partial update. This post will be updated after 3 days have pasted since its initial release. Added links below. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford Notice to readers, due to my […]