The first part of this series is listed below, and embedded within the preamble of the Event Chronicle’s compilation. Related Benjamin Fulford – May 10th 2016: Fulford on David Cayford | Collateral Accounts, Gold Distribution, Criminal Accusations made by Crayford I found Crayford’s statements discussing who the wealth really belongs to quite interesting. He suggests that […]
karen hudes
Benjamin Fulford – May 10th 2016: Fulford on David Cayford | Collateral Accounts, Gold Distribution, Criminal Accusations made by Crayford
Update – In an earlier version of this article, I mistakingly referred to Crayford as Crawford. The below text has been altered to reflect the correct name. This is an exchange between Benjamin Fulford and David Crayford. Fulford referred to the collateral accounts and gold distribution in his latest update from the 9th of this […]
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COBRA Interview (Brief Analysis) March 21st 2016: Sphere Being Deception Not True, 9th Planet is Not Planet X, Nibiru is Sitchin Disinfo, Stasis Beings, Soul Transfer Tech, Magic Explained, Personality vs Soul, and more
I had some time this morning to pull highlights out of the below transcript between the Prepare for Change team and COBRA. I offered commentary when I had insights to share from my own experience or research, as well as offering an explanation of some of the answers provided by COBRA. According to COBRA…. The so-called […]
Karen Hudes – December 4th 2014: Financial Reset, Gold Back Currency, Federal Reserve Notes, Treasury Notes
Karen Hudes seems to be offering a revamp of the USD into a gold backed asset, which on the surface sounds good, but who will ultimately hold the gold, and by what right do they claim superior custodianship? This goes along with the recent Thrive Update here. I like to be aware of as much data as possible, especially […]
PRESS RELEASE: War Crimes Drama in Washington, DC Courtroom – Karen Hudes appears, All Nations are Corporations under the Vatican
Image Source This post proves the validity of the post Courtroom Techniques | The Rules of the Game: America is Bankrupt, Contract Law, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Common Law, Equity Law, Colorable Money, Uniform Commercial Code, Without Prejudice, Recourse. The following is absolutely essential data to review as it highlights the fraud of the system which […]
Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock’s three Comments – July 7, 2014: Some kind of major show-down is looming this month as new BRICS bank set to launch
Source – Hipknowsys There are many signs the ongoing financial war for the future of the planet is heading for a major inflection point as the BRICS heads of state meet July 14-16 to formally set up their alternative to the cabal controlled IMF and World Bank. The cabal has already signaled its displeasure by blowing […]
Karen Hudes: Whistleblower or Deceiver?
There are many whistle blowers whom have come forward over the years to try and spread hidden information. Just like all data we encounter, grounding it requires a holistic perspective and an ernest drive to contemplate what is presented against all other data points. Putting “all the facts on the table” helps to create an […]
Heather Tucci-Jarraf: Absolute Transparency of What Is, The Structure of a Value Bond with Routing Numbers for the USA
Source – American Kabuki AK Note: The D_CALL bond is a damages bond, the E_CALL bond is an equity bond. These are templates those wishing to play with the banking system can use for their own purposes. The ABA routing number is for the USA only, you will need to locate the routing number for your country […]
Ron Van Dyke – Karen Hudes Talks about Collateral Accounts & More (11.14.2013) Published on Nov 13, 2013 Karen worked for the World Bank for more than 20 years as an attorney. Many of you have heard other interviews where she has exposed facts about the matrix that are not generally covered in the mainstream media. In this interview, Ron asked her about the world trusts, including […]
American Kabuki: Ben Fulford Interviews Karen Hudes 9.13.2013
Source This video was pulled….will find a replacement when it can be found… -Bill Late update: KP has these audio files of the interview… This is a very interesting interview with World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes… especially her views on Keenan, the Dragon Families (she calls them “the Chinese cabal”) and […]
Karen Hudes: ‘Dollar valueless, about to crash’ – World Bank whistleblower
Source Published on Oct 8, 2013 The US government shutdown – a temporary ailment or a symptom of a grave disease? Are the Republicans right in their move to block Obamacare spending? Who gains from the shutdown turmoil? Do the politicians care about their citizens? Our guest comes from the very heart of the banking […]
Karen Hudes Predicts Lawlessness when U S Dollar Loses International Currency Status (VIDEO) Published on Sep 18, 2013… Karen Hudes, a former 20 year employee of the World Bank, contends the U.S. credit rating is on very dubious ground. Hudes says, “This is actually an underhanded move because they know the U.S. dollar is going to lose its status as an international currency.” What would that look like […]
Karen Hudes Replies To Benjamin Fulford – Reported By ‘Intruth’ – 18 September 2013
Nice find Lucas of Source ( Lucas : I have not posted Fulford anymore but the interesting conversations here in this article between Hudes and Fulford made me post this article as it shows a bit how claims are made by divers factions and the best part is, you and I can not verify […]
WashingtonPost – Jonetta Rose Barras: The Wrong Way To Treat D.C.’s Whistleblowers – 17 September 2013
Thank you Lucas of for posting this. Source Mishandling D.C.’s whistleblowers The city’s new ethics board should protect those who speak up. Karen_Hudes 9/16/2013 3:45 PM GMT+0200 The District of Columbia is about to lose its biggest employer, the World Bank, and the US credit rating is about to be lowered, because of the wrong […]
Karen Hudes says “Basal III and ‘Backwardation’ prevents banks from accepting your DOV’s”
Greg shared this with me on Facebook. Apparently he reached out to Karen to see is she could push threw his DOV for a fee of $2.5 million. Karen responds below with why she cannot accept it and why the banking industry will not be able to either. During our call on 9.7.013 we discussed that […]