(Hank Berrien) Best-selling author and psychologist Jordan Peterson, who was attacked by some people for stating candidly of a plus-sized model on the cover of the 2022 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, “Sorry. Not beautiful,” humorously saluted the traditional idea of beauty on Thursday.
jordan peterson
Jordan Peterson & Douglas Murray Berated For Not Pulling Masks Up Quickly Enough After Sips
(Paul Joseph Watson) Douglas Murray and Jordan Peterson were repeatedly lectured by a manager at a theatre on Broadway because they failed to pull their face masks back up quickly enough after taking sips of beer.
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Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based on Opinion Polls, Not Science
(Paul Joseph Watson) Jordan Peterson says he spoke to a senior government adviser who told him Canada’s COVID restriction policies are completely driven by opinion polls and not science.
Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based on Opinion Polls, Not Science
(Paul Joseph Watson) Jordan Peterson says he spoke to a senior government adviser who told him Canada’s COVID restriction policies are completely driven by opinion polls and not science.
Figuring Out the Jordan Peterson Phenomenon
(Christopher Chantrill) I’d say that the heart of Jordan B. Peterson’s latest Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life is “Rule XI: Do Not Allow Yourself to Become Resentful, Deceitful, or Arrogant.” It contains the Sleeping Beauty story that you can read at Quillette. Sleeping Beauty, sleepwalking through college, is being pursued by the Evil Queen, her stepmother, who calls her up three times a day to tear a strip off her.
Values and Responsibility | Mark Manson, Mikhaila, and Jordan Peterson (Video)
Values and Responsibility | Mark Manson, Mikhaila, and Jordan Peterson (Video)
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Wim Hof Teaches Mikhaila and Jordan Peterson His Breathing Method (Video)
Wim Hof Teaches Mikhaila and Jordan Peterson His Breathing Method (Video)
Jordan Peterson: The Substructure of the Mythological World (Video)
Jordan Peterson: The Substructure of the Mythological World (Video)
Black Lives Matter Co-Founder, Patrisse Cullors: “We Are Trained Marxists”
(Will Justice) Between Wayfairgate, Pedogate, and a dozen other disturbing developments of late, it’s important to pause and bring a little joy back into your life to prevent psychological trauma and resulting irrationalism. Here’s a great dose of joy to brighten your day.
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WATCH: Jordan Peterson Returns After Year-Long Disappearance, Near-Death Battle With Addiction
(James Barrett) A year ago, famed clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson, a popular proponent of free speech, abruptly disappeared from the public eye. Over the last few months, Peterson’s daughter, Mikhaila Peterson, has provided some troubling updates on the family’s struggles, including the revelation that her father was suffering from addiction.
Best Selling Author Warns, AGAIN of “Woke” Cancel Culture’s Toxicity
(Dr. Jordan Peterson) So many messages of the type alluded to by the title of this article crossed my desk in the last fortnight that I found myself in the rare position of having too much content to easily record and communicate with pen and paper—a writer’s dream, if that content did not also simultaneously indicate both the tolling of the proverbial bell, and the fact that I am one of those for whom the death knell sounds.
Fatherly Wisdom You Might Not Like Hearing But Need to Hear (Video)
Fatherly Wisdom You Might Not Like Hearing But Need to Hear (Video)
A Clear Conscience Is Better Than Happiness (Video)
A Clear Conscience Is Better Than Happiness (Video)
Take Responsibility For what You Should and Transcend Suffering: Jordan B Peterson on Responsibility and Admiration (Video)
Take Responsibility For what You Should and Transcend Suffering: Jordan B Peterson on Responsibility and Admiration (Video)