(Tom Pappert) The leader of the Oath Keepers and two of the men captured on video urging people to enter or proceed into the U.S. Capitol on January 6 have been subpoenaed by the defense to testify in the government’s case against Kelly Meggs, an Oath Keeper accused of conspiring to storm the Capitol.
John Sullivan
HUGE! Protester in MAGA Hat Spotted Next to Antifa’s John Sullivan on Jan. 5 Urged Protesters to Storm US Capitol on 6th — Is Identified — Smells Like Informant??
(Jim Hoft) Who is this man?
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Fake-News Reuters Reports on Feds Seizing $90,000 from Antifa-BLM Organizer John Sullivan — Neglect to Report Most Important Facts
(Jim Hoft) It really is stunning how dishonest the mainstream media has become.
Bombshell: Leaked Audio of John Sullivan Confirms He is an Agent Provocateur, Casts Doubt on Mainstream Narrative
(Ryan DeLarme) A large portion of the American population has become suspicious that Congress, with the aid of CNN and certain NGO’s, planned the January 6th insurrection at the Capital as a false flag psychological attack on former President Donald Trump and his supporters. Recently leaked audio recordings of John Sullivan all but confessing to posing as a Trump Supporter have further fueled the publics growing distrust of the mainstream narrative regarding what actually occurred on January 6th.
EXPLOSIVE: New Video Surfaces of Antifa-Insurgence Leader John Sullivan Training Antifa Soldiers and Selling Riot Equipment at his Website
(Jim Hoft) Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan was arrested in Utah after the US Capitol riots.
As reported previously Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol on January 6th.
Leaked Evidence Shows John Sullivan Admitting to Posing as Trump Supporter While Being Let Inside Capitol Building
(Ethan Huff) Leaked screenshots from director of Insurgence USA John Sullivan’s Discord server reveal that the far-left activist was let inside the Capitol building by law enforcement on Jan. 6 after dressing himself in a “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) costume.
HUGE: Screenshots From ‘Insurrection USA’ BLM Activist John Sullivan’s Discord Claim Police Let Him In
(Tom Pappert) John Sullivan’s Discord server discussed bringing weapons to the rally, hiding their identities with MAGA gear, and later remarked that the police let them trespass.
John Sullivan’s Brother Just Dropped Some HUGE Details About His Role In The D.C. Riots
(vince) Details surrounding the Far-Left ANTIFA leader’s role in the January 6th Violence have surfaced from his own brother.
BREAKING: BLM Activist John Sullivan Arrested For Storming Capitol, Runs Group Called ‘Insurgence USA’
(Tom Pappert) John Sullivan, the individual who National File previously reported went inside the U.S. Capitol during the Capitol Hill protest last week, has been arrested for his alleged crime of trespassing in the hallowed grounds of the United States Congress.
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Agitator At Capitol Shooting With ANTIFA John Sullivan, Hid And Changed Clothing After Shooting [VIDEO ANALYSIS]
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) In a video interview analysis with the Epoch Times, Japanese investigative journalist Misako Ganaha Describes the events that happened that resulted in the murder of Ashli Babbit at America’s DC capitol.
Video Shows CNN Photo-Journalist Disguised Herself As Trump Supporter And Infiltrated The Capitol Building With BLM Activist
(Anthony T) I wonder why CNN has withheld that their photo-journalist was caught on video saying “we did it!” after breaking into the Capitol building?
HUGE: CNN Reporter, Jade Sacker, Stormed the Capitol — They Must’ve Known about the False Flag
(Justin Deschamps) Did CNN know about the January 6th false flag and didn’t say anything? Evidence has come to light that suggests just that.
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots
(Alicia Powe) Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.
Far Left Activist John Sullivan from Utah Who Was Arrested for Storming the US Capitol Is Released without Charges — Organized Antifa Event in Area at Same Time as “Stop the Steal” Rally!
(Jim Hoft) Earlier this week CNN interviewed John Sullivan from Utah after the shooting death of Ashli Babbit by Capitol Hill police.
John Sullivan A Radical Left-wing Activist And Founder Of Insurgence USA Filmed Trump Supporters Death
(Anthony T.) Why was a radical left-wing activist inside the Capitol building?