(100 Percent Fed Up) In an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele criticized the Biden regime for implementing policies that incentivize Central Americans to make the arduous trek through Mexico and into the United States.
Joe Biden Immigration Policies
The Fraudulent Biden Administration Awards $86 Million Contract for Hotel Rooms for Migrants to Manage the Crisis at the Border
(NWO Report) Axios is reporting today that the Biden administration has awarded an $86 million contract to house 1,200 migrant family members in hotels along the Texas and Arizona borders with Mexico as it tries to deal with the backlog of registration and processing the thousands of migrants caught while crossing the border — or surrendering themselves after crossing the border with a plan for how to be allowed to remain.
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Ted Cruz Verbally Destroys Joe Biden On Immigration Policy, No Exception For ‘Murderers and Rapists’
(Ryan Ledendecker) Texas Sen. Ted Cruz lit President Joe Biden’s immigration policy on fire today.