(Tom Pappert) Almost 60 years will have passed by time the information is released, unless the White House delays it further
Roseanne Barr with Sean Stone: A Thousand Peices, JFK, Memo 57, Mind Control, CIA (Video)
(Roseanne Barr) Roseanne Barr with Sean Stone
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Newly Released JFK Files Reveal Democrat President Lyndon Johnson Was a Member of the Kkk, Which Was Run by Democrats
(Jayson Veley) Since President Trump released roughly 2,800 previously classified documents on the assassination of John F. Kennedy last week, media outlets within the United States and around the world have been scrambling to find any new information regarding the death of our 35th president. In the process, a document has been uncovered that reveals something that may or may not be surprising to Americans across the country – that former Democratic President Lyndon Johnson was once a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
56 Years Ago: The JFK Speech Calling For “Peace” That Was Never Heard
(Luke Miller) On November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. John F Kennedy (JFK) was shot while driving through Dealey Plaza in Dallas Texas. A 10-month investigation concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated Kennedy, and had been a lone gunman. This version of events has been hotly debated, with theories ranging from multiple gunman to the CIA hiring the Mafia. It also turns out that public opinion matches the scepticism of conspiracy theorists, with a recent 2017 study fromFiveThirtyEight revealing that just 33% of Americans believe the official story.
Former CIA Spy Reveals Truth About JFK Assassination
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele talks about his views on the assassination of JFK and who he thinks really did it, who was there that day, and who benefited most from the tragic event. Check out the short 7 minute video he recently uploaded and be sure to subscribe to Robert’s YouTube channel for […]
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Claims to Know Who Really Killed His Father and is Out to Prove It
(Elias Marat) Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the assassinated younger brother of John F. Kennedy who served as a U.S. attorney general and New York senator, has claimed “compelling evidence” exists that his father was killed by former Lockheed Aircraft employee and alleged former CIA operative, Thane Eugene Cesar.
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Cover Up in the Making? Pathologist Connected to JFK Investigation to Conduct Autopsy on Epstein
(Paul Joseph Watson) Let the conspiracy theories commence.
Bombshell QAnon Posts Link Clintons & CIA to JFK Jr Plane Crash
(Dr Michael Salla) On April 8, QAnon posted two messages linking the Clintons and the CIA to the plane crash of John F. Kennedy Jr and how his death cleared the path for Hillary Clinton to start her political career by running unopposed by any major Democratic rival for the newly available US Senate seat for New York.
Letting It Happen: JFK’s Murder, 9/11 and the False Flag Playbook
(George Cassidy Payne) All it takes to carry out plots such as the JFK assassination and September 11, is for the authorities tasked with defense to orchestrate a way to let down their guard without being exposed for criminal negligence. Related Can a False Flag be Used for Good? YES IT CAN!! Source – TheSleuthJournal by […]