(The Individual (a.k.a: Reptilian Dimension)) “They are a secret order created by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit Priest… so when we talk about the Illuminati, you are probably talking about one of the many religio-eco-political controlling arms of the Jesuits… which is a secret society that is based on an ancient pagan cult which infiltrated the Roman church long ago, and in turn, most of the denominations of ‘Church-ianity’. Why do you think that the central OBEISK (shaped like the ‘Washington Monument’) at the center of Vatican square was brought all the way from the center of Egyptian pagan worship, and erected in the exact epicenter of Vatican square?” (Branton)
The Global Power Hierarchy: 3-City States Control the World
(Peter B. Meyer) Many may think they are pretty well informed about all of the main players in the Deep State “conspiracy” playing field, regarding the various elements of society that control our world from behind the scenes. But the organisational structure consisting of eight layers is far more complicated, than often is known.
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The Occult Reason Behind The April 2018 Syria Missile Attacks
(Nova Biscotti) Many people – especially Trump apologists or rabid followers of “QAnon” are doing mental gymnastics trying to explain the rationale for the missile attacks which occurred during the pre-dawn hours of April 14, 2018 on Syrian targets.
The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews – Part One
(Conscious Optimist) Jewish history can at times a very controversial subject for a number of people, especially in the West. The following article details a movement of Jewish “converts” into the Jesuit order, it would appear, from the moment of their creation.
Review: The Jesuit Order As a Synagogue of Jews — Part Two
(Andrew Joyce, Ph.D) “Being children of this world, pompous, cunning, fake, self-seeking, etc., it is certain that they fit religious life very badly and that it is impossible to maintain union with them. If those of this blood are made superiors, they employ almost all their government in external things: they promote genuine mortification and […]
The New Atlantis: Master Plan of The Ages — Occult History of the Past 500 Years: Magic, Ancient Weather Manipulation, NWO, Jesuits, and more
Illuminism, Freemasonry and the Great White Brotherhood The New Atlantis rises … and then falls, after being halted by the epochal wars of the Kali Yuga and Iron Age conflicts. Related The New Atlantis | Secret Mysteries of Americas Beginnings & Connections to Atlantis Source – State of the Nation TMR Editor’s Note: Edgar Cayce was […]
Jesuit Oaths Reveal the Insidious Nature of the Society of Jesus — Front Organization for Satanic Dark Occultists
(Justin Deschamps) The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, is one of the most influential organizations on the planet. To most, it is just a charitable group that helps promote the Roman Catholic Church, and is merely a branch of Catholicism. But to a small handful of researchers, the Jesuits are the military arm of the Vatican, an insidious and reprehensible clandestine spy agency, possibly the father of all modern-day intelligence services, responsible for infiltrating and manipulating almost every nation, religious group, and society on earth.
Disclosure: Mind Blowing QUOTATIONS Concerning the Jesuit Order — “They have instigated MOST of the wars …”
Image Source (Phil Jayhan) “My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death.… I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there […]
Vatican Theologian Says Aliens are Real and Are More Spiritual and Intellectual Than Humans — Paper by Monsignor Corrado Balducci
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Vatican and the powers represented by it have long kept socially damaging information hidden from the public. Anything that threatens the status quo is quickly covered up by the Roman Cult, and its numerous intelligence agencies spread across the globe. Monsignor Corrado Balducci was a Catholic theologian who had close ties to Pope John […]
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The Revolutionary War: How America Became A Jesuit Enclave
Source – The Event Chronicle The Event Chronicle Editor Note: Scroll to the end for a fascinating radio interview. A most colossal conspiracy against the United States. I do not like the resurrection of the Jesuits. — Former US President John Adams, in 1816 by P. D. Stuart We now come to another highly interesting […]
Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex and What Are They Doing? – An Extensive Research Report
(Justin Deschamps) The following report is an extremely detailed and extensive compilation of verifiable data points describing who funds the military industrial complex—a transnational organization with ties to banking and the elite. It also details what the money was spent on, a number of projects focused on remote influencing and mind manipulation technology.
COBRA Interview (Brief Analysis) March 21st 2016: Sphere Being Deception Not True, 9th Planet is Not Planet X, Nibiru is Sitchin Disinfo, Stasis Beings, Soul Transfer Tech, Magic Explained, Personality vs Soul, and more
I had some time this morning to pull highlights out of the below transcript between the Prepare for Change team and COBRA. I offered commentary when I had insights to share from my own experience or research, as well as offering an explanation of some of the answers provided by COBRA. According to COBRA…. The so-called […]
COBRA | Solar System / Planetary Situation Update: Kuiper Belt Bases, Yuan SDR Inclusion, Andromedan Ships, Finland Income For All
Source – COBRA 2012 Portal Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remaining are implants of the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex which extends throughout the Solar system, tied to plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Implants of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are connected to the implants […]
COBRA | Short Planetary Situation Report and Event Meditation Update
COBRA had a few interesting items to share in this short update. There are also several meditation events for this coming weekend, some specifically for the Paris attacks. I’ll just share that coordinated meditation has a measured affect on consciousness in general. The more powerful aspects of meditation, however, come from the stability and confidence developed […]
BRICS Global Bank Will Open Coffers by Year-End, Coinciding Jesuits’ Debt Jubilee
This is an interesting article detailing the connection between the Vatican and Jesuits with the BRICS bank. Pope Francis declared a year of Jubilee, planed to begin in December of this year and some are saying this is a reconciliation of debts the world over. We covered the valid points which underpin this idea in the post Debt […]