(Gabriel Keane) “I literally got it from a doctor, it’s an American company, they won the Nobel prize in 2015 for use in human beings, and CNN is saying I’m taking horse dewormer. They must know that that’s a lie.”
Ivermectin Now the Target of a Plutocratic Smear Campaign
(Ryan DeLarme) Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that’s been around for over 40 years, has been tested and used in the treatment of COVID since as early as last year but has only just recently come into the mainstream. In the very same fashion that Hydroxychloroquine(HCQ) was attacked in the media and pop culture to ward off the less discerning, Ivermectin is now being subject to the best smear campaign money can buy as well.
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Reuters Is Now Functioning As the Public Relations Arm for Antifa, All While Attacking and Defaming Heroic U.S. Doctors Who Tell the Truth About Vaccines and Ivermectin
(Ethan Huff) The fake news cesspool known as Reuters published a bizarre piece the other day glorifying the rag-tag bunch of pasty-white domestic terrorists known as Antifa (“antifascists”) for their “militant activism” against the “extremist right” in America. At the very same time, Reuters continues to attack and vilify doctors who prescribe healing ivermectin rather than “vaccines” to their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients.
Twitter Refuses To Remove Tweets By Maddow, Other Leftists Promoting Debunked ‘Ivermectin Overdose’ Hoax Story
(Gabriel Keane) MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has still refused to delete a tweet promoting a fake news story about ivermectin overdoses flooding Oklahoma hospitals that has been debunked by hospital staff. Twitter continues to let Maddow’s tweet and other tweets promoting the debunked story propagate on its platform, despite its censorious policies against “misinformation.”
Attacks On Ivermectin And HCQ Are Textbook ‘Alinsky’
(Christopher G. Adamo) Back during the spring of 2020, in the earliest dark days of the Wuhan “pandemic,” astute data analysts noticed a significant pattern that might offer hope of stemming the threat posed by the disease. While the virus was rampant and spreading rapidly throughout the world’s most advanced cultures, it was not nearly as prolific in the third world, particularly in subtropical and tropical regions where Malaria is widespread.
LAIR BUSTED: Rolling Stone Forced To Correct Story That Falsely Claimed Oklahoma Hospital Was Overrun With Ivermectin Overdoses
(Andrew White) More fake news coming from “trusted sources.”
BUSTED: Hospital Statement Calls Out Ivermectin ‘Fake News’ That Was Spread by Rachel Maddow
(Kyle Becker) Rachel Maddow is no stranger to fake news. But the MSNBC host’s wild conspiracy theories and inaccurate reporting has typically revolved around political gossip, Capitol Hill intrigue, and a chronic case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Head of Tokyo Medical Association Says “Now Is the Time” For All Covid Patients to Get Ivermectin, Not Vaccines
(Ethan Huff) Earlier this year, Haruo Ozaki, chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association, issued a plea for the expanded use of ivermectin to treat the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Oklahoma Dr. Jason McElyea Spreads Rumor that People Taking Ivermectin are Flooding Local Hospitals — Turns Out to Be Complete Lie But Fake News Ran with It Anyway
(Jim Hoft) There were reports earlier that Oklahoma emergency rooms were filling up with people overdosing on Ivermectin.
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Even as Joe Rogan Tests Negative for Covid, Media Still Stuck On Horsey Side of Ivermectin
(JD Rucker) Ivermectin is a drug prescribed to tens of millions of people around the world. It is recommended by the CDC for migrants from Africa. But the media and even the CDC has latched onto the narrative that it’s a “horse dewormer” in an effort to gaslight those who would consider it as a treatment or a prophylactic against Covid-19.
Sounds Racist: FDA Scares Off Americans from Taking “Horse Drug” Ivermectin for COVID — But Pushed the Drug on African Migrants in 2015
(Jim Hoft) The FDA and CDC are extremely worried that after months and months of ever-changing rules and promises they are losing the trust of the American people.
Joe Rogan Got COVID, Treated It With Vitamins, Ivermectin, And Other Drugs, Recovered In THREE Days
(Gabriel Keane) “I really only had one bad day, Sunday sucked, but Monday was better, Tuesday felt better than Monday, and today I actually feel good. I feel pretty f**king good.”
CDC and FDA Despise Safe Remedies for Covid-19, but Ohio Judge Orders Highly Effective Anti-parasitic Drug Intervention Despite All the Regulatory Agency Lies and Suppression
(S.D. Wells) Judge Gregory Howard of Butler County, Ohio just showed the entire world there is sometimes still justice in medicine. Despite the CDC’s dire warnings about the anti-parasite drug that’s often used for animals, Judge Howard has decided to save Jeffrey Smith’s life, a man in the ICU at the West Chester Hospital who’s nearly lost the battle against Covid-19. After nearly choking to death on a respirator for three weeks, which only worsens the breathing passageway inflammation and the doctor’s all know it, Jeffrey Smith’s body was shutting down.
Are Effective COVID Medications Like Ivermectin Being Suppressed Because Their Successful Treatments Could Cause Vaccines to Lose Government Funding?
(Joe Hoft) Are effective COVID medications like Ivermectin being suppressed because they could cause vaccines to lose government funding?
Finnish Firm Scores US Patent for Nasal Spray Drug That Includes Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin
(daniel_g) The suppression of safe and effective COVID-19 treatments to secure record profits for Big Pharma cronies will go down as one of the greatest crimes against humanity.