(Ryan DeLarme) For almost a month now, Dutch Farmers have been staging protests and roadblocks across the Netherlands, even going so far as to spread manure outside of officials’ homes. Now, farmers from Italy, Spain, and Poland have joined the fray in support of their Dutch counterparts.
Orwellian: Social Credit System Aimed at Forcing Compliance With “Climate Change” Objectives Now Being Implemented in Italy
(JD Heyes) The global power elite has sold much of the Western world on the lie that modern human activity is destroying the planet by dramatically altering the climate.
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Reports: Former Prime Minister Renzi and the Italian Deep State Are Worried About John Durham’s Investigation into the Russiagate Sham
(Joe Hoft) As John Durham digs into his investigation of the Russiagate scam that was pushed around the globe, Italy’s Deep State is reportedly getting worried about what Durham may uncover.
Unvaxxed Italian CHILDREN Frozen Out of Society
(Liberty Sentinel) Millions of Italians are out of jobs due to mandatory vaccinations (for people over 50 years old).
Declaration from Italy’s Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Regarding the Russia – Ukraine Crisis
(Joe Hoft) Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano shared the message with The Gateway Pundit this morning. We include his message in full below.
“Real Science Doesn’t Force You to Believe, It Just Shows You” – Italian University Students Call Out for Help Against Vaccine Coercion and the Authoritarian Regime (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Last month, Italy imposed new restrictions on the unvaxxed amid concern over the Omicron variant that only seems to be infecting fully vaccinated individuals. Most public activities will be banned for people without a Covid “Super Green Pass.”
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MUST SEE: Christina Bobb from OAN Reached Out to Archbishop Vigano from Italy for Christmas Discussion on Good vs. Evil
(Joe Hoft) This week Christina Bobb from OAN discussed current events with Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.
When Will the CDC Correct its COVID Death Counts, as Italy Just Did?
(Andrea Widburg) The Summit caught a fascinating story out of Italy: the Italian Higher Institute of Health decided it had miscounted COVID deaths. Instead of looking at people who died with COVID, as it once did, it looked only at people who died from COVID — leading to a 97% decrease in Italy’s COVID death count. So far, the CDC shows no signs of following suit.
Italy’s Suspected COVID Death Tally Corrected From 132,161 to 3,783… This Is Where COVID Hysteria Began, and It Was 97% FICTION
(Lance D Johnson) A new report from Italy’s Higher Institute of Health provides an objective analysis of the nation’s misleading covid-19 death tally. Italy’s official covid death tally rose to 132,161 in October of 2021. This tally is unrealistic because covid-19 was diagnosed in haste and under conditions of financial bribery using non-specific diagnostic criteria. Covid-19 was often listed as the cause of death when it was merely “suspected” and when “it could not be ruled out.”
Pope Mocked For Demanding Church Be ‘Open Place Where Everyone Feels Welcome’ As Vaccine Passport Protests Rage Outside
(Tom Pappert) Pope Francis, a vaccine advocate himself who has found ways to absolve Catholics from guilt for receiving vaccines developed with aborted fetuses, took a stand against traditionalism and in favor of progressive politics in a call for the Catholic Church to become an “open place where everyone feels welcome.”
Italy Orders Companies Not To Pay Unvaccinated Workers
(Tyler Durden) The Italian government has passed a decree applying to both the private and public sector ordering companies to withhold pay from workers who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
Italy to Require Vaccine Passport for Entire Workforce in Europe’s Most Extreme Mandate so Far
(Cassie B.) Italy will become the first country in Europe to require all workers in both the public and private sectors to get a vaccine certificate in order to do their jobs.
Massive Protest Forms In Italy As Government Creates Vaccine Passports, Restricts Movement For Unvaxxed
(Tom Pappert) Thousands of Italians have taken to the streets chanting “No Green Pass!”
Cable Car Plunges to Ground, Killing 14 in Northern Italy
(John Solomon) Acable car plunged Sunday to the ground in the mountains of northern Italy, killing 14 tourists and seriously injuring one child.
Dozens of Italian Teachers Fall Ill after Getting Vaccinated for Coronavirus
(Ethan Huff) Several dozen teachers in Italy called in sick from work after Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines from AstraZeneca left them violently ill.