(Frank Fang and David Zhang) BlackRock, the world’s largest investment manager that oversees $10 trillion in client funds, has positioned itself as a socially conscious firm. However, the company is choosing China over the United States as it advances its environmental and social priorities, according to Will Hild, executive director of Washginton-based nonprofit Consumers’ Research.
Woman Who Escaped From North Korea Describes The Horrors Of Life Under Communism (VIDEO)
(Mike LaChance) Yeonmi Park is a young woman living in America who escaped from North Korea with her mother when she was a teenager.
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Vladimir Putin Praises Trump, Laughs At Biden Calling Him A Killer
(Carmine Sabia) Joe Biden has made a mockery of the United States during his tour of England during the G7 summit and has looked weak in the eyes of the world.
Vladimir Putin Fan Steven Seagal Joins pro-Kremlin Party, Proposes to Jail Polluters
(Greg Piper) The 30-year veteran of action films has been a Russian citizen for five years.
A Nation Decieved: Council on Foreign Relations Sponsorship of Covert Activities at Home and Abroad
(Biblioteca Pleyades) Related Men Behind the Throne: The Unsettling History of Clandestine Organizations in America Source – Biblioteca Pleyades by Staff Writer, The CFR and the Church Committee Investigation A recent e-mail contained a news release about Steven Emerson. It said, ” Mr. Emerson is an investigative journalist and noted authority on radical Islamic extremist groups […]
Council on Foreign Relations and The Federal Reserve
(Biblioteca Pleyades) Related Praying Medic: QAnon September 8, 2020 – History Repeats Itself (Video) Source – Biblioteca Pleyades by Staff Writer The Joint Chiefs of Staff DoD Publication 1 (1987) Glossary of Department of Defense Military Associated Terms defines: “COVERT OPERATIONS: (DoD, Interpol, Inter-American Defense Board) Operations which are so planned and executed as to […]
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China Has Repeatedly Grabbed Land From Nepal and Enforced Stringent Trade Policies With It: Experts
(Venus Upadhayaya) China’s recent annexation of 150 hectares of Nepalese land is a gesture aimed at teaching the country a lesson after its exporters complained about China’s stringent trade policies in early October, experts say.
We Just Witnessed a Clear Example of Foreign Interference in Our Election – and the Goal Was to Help Biden Win
(Michael Snyder) This time around, there won’t be any need for a special counsel investigation to determine if there was foreign interference in the presidential election. The FBI has already established that a foreign government is trying to influence the outcome of the 2020 election, and the goal is to help Joe Biden win. Earlier this week, mainstream media reports that stated that “the Proud Boys” were sending threatening emails to Democratic voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Alaska and Arizona quickly went viral. Even though the Proud Boys immediately denied being involved, many assumed that these threatening emails had to be the work of Trump supporters. But when I read the message that was being sent out, I instantly recognized that something really fishy was going on. Anyone that has any discernment whatsoever should be able to see that it was obviously written to deeply anger Democrats so that they would be motivated to go out and vote against Trump…
History of Witchcraft and How it Spread Across the World
(Simon E. Davies) It can be argued that the roots of this revived faith go back as far as the Stone Age, when humans began to conceive their world as a spiritual construct.
Normalization Between Israel and Arabs
(Michael Curtis) After a history of so many failed efforts to reach peace in the Middle East it is welcoming and gratifying that history is being made with arrangements that may be laying the foundation for peace, security, and prosperity in the region. These arrangements do not constitute a comprehensive peace plan that includes settling the Palestinian question, and it remains to be seen if and are “game-changers.” But they register a crucial change in Arab policies.
Study Shows That Vaccines Don’t Work For Up To 780,000,000 People On The Planet
(Arjun Walia) Did you know that a large majority of people simply do not respond to routine vaccinations? This group is known as the non-responders. A study published in the journal Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics titled “Primary vaccine failure to routine vaccines: Why and what to do?” states the following:
French President in UN Speech: We Should Prepare for the New World Order
(Humans Are Free) “The COVID crisis, the collapse of our cooperation frameworks, the weaknesses that I have just mentioned require us to rebuild a new order and force Europe to take its full share of responsibility,” Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday.