(Steve Watson) Completely Orwellian
Inclusive Language
Cancel Culture on Steroids: Dictionary.com to Delete the Word “Slave” as a Noun
(Leisa Audette) Cancel culture has come for the word “slave” because leftists believe it’s a “dehumanizing” noun. Censorship is alive and well with books, movies, and now words in the dictionary. According to the left, if there is the possibility of someone being offended, the offending item must be canceled.
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Woke $57k-A-Year NYC School Encourages Students To Nix ‘Mom’ And ‘Dad’ For ‘More Inclusive Language…Attempts To ‘Undo Notions Of A Typical Family Structure’
(Allan Miller) Grace Church School, a private school in Manhattan, is urging students and staffers to refrain from using basic terms such as “mom” and “dad” and to replace them with more “inclusive language,” as detailed in an extensive 12-page guide, which considers the phrase “traditional family” an “outdated” term.