(Isaac Weishaupt) The next manipulation of the mind from the Disney corporation is anotherMarvel super hero film called Avengers: Infinity War. I’ve long been warning of the Illuminati connection between super heroes and the occult desires of Helena Blavatsky.
Illuminati watcher
Disturbing: James Franco’s Illuminati Symbolism
(Isaac Weishaupt) Given the recent coverage and controversy of actor James Franco, I decided to take a revisit of the symbolism and performances he has given us over the past few years to further investigate if there are any connections to be had with the Illuminati… Source – Illuminati Watcher by Isaac Weishaupt, January 27th, 2018 […]
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“Atlantis is the Land of Pi” — Illuminati & Occult Symbolism of Pi and Pi Day 3/14
Image Source. (Isaac) The number Pi (approximated to 3.1415) is one of the natural mysteries that was incorporated into many ancient sites (like the Pyramids of Giza), and also in ratios involving basic shapes such as the circle. The Freemasons are obviously interested in this number through the obvious geometrical uses, but also in the secret […]
A Compilation of Theories | Prince and the Illuminati Blood Sacrifice Conspiracy
Source – Illuminati Watcher by Isaac Weishaupt With much sadness I thought it would be of interest to explore the strange path of Prince from inception to his early death. The concept of Illuminati blood sacrifice is never far from the lips of conspiracy theorists and I believe that to be for good reason. Prince […]