(Joe Hoft) The Texas Border Patrol captured over 30 illegal immagrants stuffed in a U-Haul in over 100 Degrees heat.
Illegal Immigrants
VIDEO: Harris Snaps At Reporter…Says She Is An “Advocate” For Illegal Immigrants
(Leisa Audette) During an interview with Univision’s Ilia Calderón, Kamala Harris snapped when asked again when she will go to the border. She refused to commit to a visit as she has done several times before. She was appointed as Biden’s border czar but has yet to visit America’s southern border. The three video clips below collectively demonstrate the priorities of Harris, and the priorities don’t include putting America first. It’s more like America last for Harris. She just traveled to Guatemala to announce that the Biden administration will be giving the Triangle countries $4 billion in aid (see below). This is a true redistribution of wealth!
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Military Slams Macron! “France In Mortal Danger” Of Civil War Due to Anti-West Globalist Policies of “Disintegration”…When Will American Military Leaders Speak Up?
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) America has been experiencing numerous deleterious effects due to the acceleration of border crossers. But, we aren’t alone. All countries infiltrated by globalists in their highest ranks are experiencing similar declines. This includes France.
Kamala’s Office Claims To Be Unaware Her Book is Given to Illegal Children at US Border…How Is This Legal?
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) It was recently reported that your tax dollars are being used to purchase Kamala Harris’ book for illegal immigrant facilities to insert into a gift package for illegal immigrant children in California. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment.
INVASION: Video: Foster Children Allegedly Being Kicked Out Of Homes To Make Room For More Lucrative Federally Subsidized Illegal Immigrants
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) Biden and his subservient AP news insist there is no crisis at the border. Yet, all the evidence says this is a lie. Human trafficking and illegal immigration, being more lucrative than drug smuggling under Biden’s Regime, is surging. Everyone knows this.