(Jon Bowne) The globalist billionaire has been working behind the scenes infecting radical left activism into major U.S. city power structures to collapse America.
humans are free
How Asymptomatic COVID Spread Used to Lockdown the World Was Based on a Lie
(Paul Elias Alexander) We will start this discussion on the corruption of ‘asymptomatic spread’ by stating emphatically, that there should be no vaccination of our children with these COVID vaccines. Zero. These vaccines have no long-term safety assessments, and they are working not alike the classical vaccines.
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Book Burning in the XXI’st Century: Facebook Has Removed 16 Million Pieces of Content & Added ‘Warnings’ On 167 Million
(Arjun Walia) The censorship of information is at an all time high, but do people really recognize the extent to which it has been and is being carried out? A recent article published in the British Medical Journal by journalist Laurie Clarke has highlighted the fact that Facebook has already removed at least 16 million pieces of content from its platform and added warnings to approximately 167 million others.
2 Young BBC Journalists Dead Shortly After AstraZeneca Vaccine
(Humans Are Free) Two young BBC journalists have died from what media calls a mysterious “short illness” after taking the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine branded as Covishield in India.
Eric Clapton Details How The COVID Vaccine Paralyzed Him: Full Interview
(Humans Are Free) The full Eric Clapton interview form Oracle Films can be found here.
Global Pushback Against Tyranny Has Begun
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) March 20, 2021, on the 1-year anniversary of the first COVID-19 lockdown, people in more than 40 countries took to the streets to peacefully demonstrate against COVID-19 lies and tyrannical measures.
U.S. Government Compensation Payments for Deaths and Injuries due to Flu Shots Now Exceed $1 BILLION
(Wayne Rohde) Late last summer the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) reached a milestone that no one should be proud of.
Bombshell! Chinese Gov’t Scientist Filed COVID Vaccine Patent Before Pandemic Began
( Humans Are Free) A Chinese government scientist who worked closely with researchers at the Wuhan lab filed a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine well before the disease was declared a global pandemic.
Apple and TSA Team Up to Create Digital ID for Air Travel
Hacker Cracks Apple’s New Gadget, Now Worried What He Found Inside Could Be Used to Spy on Us
Multiple ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Have Been Proven True Over the Last Few Days
(Susan Duclos) When President Trump referred to the COVID virus as “Wuhan virus” or Chinese virus, he was accused of racism (no big surprise since everything is considered racist these days).
Sacred Alignment: The Constellation of Orion and Ancient Egypt
(Humans Are Free) For thousands of years, the constellation of Orion has been tracked across the sky by numerous ancient cultures who studied the heavens since time immemorial.
Johns Hopkins Prof. Says Half Of Americans Have Natural Immunity: ‘Please, Ignore the CDC Guidance’
(Steve Watson) A professor with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine has said that there is a general dismissal of the fact that more than half of all Americans have developed natural immunity to the coronavirus and that it constitutes “one of the biggest failures of our current medical leadership.”
BUSTED: CDC Caught Manipulating Data to Hide New COVID Cases Among those Who Were Already Vaxxed
(Jim Hoft) Chile has one of the world’s most ambitious and successful coronavirus vaccination schemes. One-third of the population has received either one or both jabs.
Nuremberg Trial 2.0 is in Preparation: W.H.O and World Leaders Will Have to Answer for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
(Humans Are Free) Nuremberg Trial 2.0 is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit supported by thousands of lawyers and medical professionals worldwide, led by the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.
Proof That Masks Are About Control, Not Safety
(S.D. Wells) Recently, the hosts of ABC’s “The View” apologized for the CDC having failed to trick people better about getting vaccinated, by letting people who have gotten vaccinated take off their masks. Referring to all people who are opposed to vaccination as “dumb hillbillies,” the bigoted shills showed their true colors.