(Science Daily) New research has provided important insight into how oxytocin could be administered in a more targeted and effective way to help treat social problems that occur in a range of psychiatric disorders.
New Study: The More you Hug your Kids, the More Their Brains Develop
(Daily Health Post) To borrow a phrase: love works in mysterious ways. We are born to love and, as it turns out, love and affection are necessary for both optimal positive emotional and physical development. And to be honest, nothing feels better than giving your loved one a warm embrace –or being on the receiving end.
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5 Reasons Why Hugging is the Most Beautiful Form of Communication
(Harley Manson) Think back to the last time you hugged someone who mattered to you more than anything: how did it feel? For most of us (unless you are being hugged by some random person you have never met), hugging provides a feeling of comfort that is unmatched by any other gesture of bonding.
Hugging After A Fight Can Make Everyone Feel Better, A New Study Says
(Carolyn de Lorenzo) Let’s face it: Relationships have their ups and downs. Even in the best scenarios, disagreements, misunderstandings, and conflict can flare up from time to time. There’s also pretty much no one who doesn’t encounter various forms of stress on a semi-regular basis. And everyone encountering this kind of distress is 100 percent looking for something that can make them feel better after the fact. Well, according to a new study from the Department of Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, something as simple as a hug can help calm you down after encountering a fight or stressful situation. Isn’t that just a breath of fresh air? I think so, too.