(Jim Hoft) While the rest of the world is busy mandating the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, El Salvador launched a new ad campaign to help prevent COVID19 deaths and hospitalizations.
Why Has New York City COVID Hospitalizations Spiked Amid 90 Percent Vaccinated Population?
(Alicia Powe) Despite an overwhelming majority of New York residents being fully vaccinated, hospitals in the state are reportedly filled with Covid infected patients and an increasing number of those admitted with the virus are children.
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Media Outlets Report Fake News That UK COVID Hospitalizations Are 14 Times Higher Than Last Year
(Paul Joseph Watson) UK media outlets reported that COVID hospitalizations are “14 times higher” than at this time last year, despite this being demonstrably false.
Blockbuster Buried by MSM: 100-200 Members of Congress Successfully Treated for Covid-19 with Ivermectin with ZERO Hospitalizations
(JD Rucker) We try our best to stay on top of the news that mainstream media tries to bury. It’s often like trying to capture water with cupped hands and some of it spills over, evading our radar. One such bombshell was dropped by the FLCCC Alliance a couple of weeks ago.