[Video is below] Transcribed by Stillness in the Storm: Hello this is Benjamin Fulford speaking on, February 19 2015. Today is the beginning of the lunar New Year and this year is the year of the sheep or the goat or the sheeple. And we intend this to make it a year for the average guy to get […]
Benjamin Fulford – February 17th 2015: Nukes in the Ukraine, lockdown at CIA, blockade of US West coast and more as takedown of cabal continues
Source – Hipknowsys In the run up to the Lunar New Year this Thursday on February 19th, a major push against the cabal is continuing. This push has included a blockade of all trade from US West Coast ports, a lockdown of CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia and major military moves in the Middle East. […]
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Benjamin Fulford – January 6, 2015: The US dollar is now backed by gold but the war criminals remain free
Source – Hipknowsys It is now clear that the internationally traded US dollar is backed by gold. The evidence for this is the fact that recently the dollar has changed in value against a basket currencies in a way that closely tracks how gold performed against these currencies. http://money.cnn.com/data/currencies/ http://www.ino.com/blog/2014/12/gold-versus-top-currencies-and-the-winner-is/#.VKePaXsmlB0 The internationally traded gold-backed dollar […]
Benjamin Fulford interviewed by Rob Potter on Victory of the Light radio – November 12th 2014
Source – Hipknowsys The Victory of The Light Radio Show with Rob Potter Rob Potter: Researcher of healing and consciousness. He has given seminars all over the world. Rob has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975 with (the late) Dr. Fred Bell in Calif. With UFO/Alien Disclosure, he has dedicated his focus in educating others […]
Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock’s Comment 1x – October 6, 2014: The white hats control the weather, now it is time to control the rest
Source – Hipknowsys As this article goes to press in Tokyo, Japan, Monday, October 6th, 2014, the night skies above are clear, following a sunny day of idyllic mild autumn weather. The problem was the Japanese meteorological agency (JMA) and all the corporate news outlets were saying Tokyo was supposed to be hit by a […]
Benjamin Fulford – September 22, 2014: Facing the mathematical certainty of defeat, the cabal is negotiating a surrender
Source – Hipknowsys Anybody who understands finance and geopolitics can now see clearly the Nazi/Zionist cabal faces the mathematical certainty of defeat. It is also very clear the United States is on the brink of revolution. That is why cabal representatives have begun negotiating surrender with the White Dragon Society and their allies. The surrender […]
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Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock’s Comments 4x – September 15, 2014: The Nazionists are losing, Europe is surrendering, Japan is close to revolution
Source – Hipknowsys That school yard taunt “liar liar, pants on fire,” pretty well describes how the world views what passes as government in the United States, Israel and their few colonies. Nobody believes their tall tales about aliens, ebola, beheadings, race riots, airplane shoot downs etc. They have lost the ability to manipulate world […]
Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock’s Comment – September, 8th 2014: Anniversary of 911 Comes With No Arrests But Some Untimely Deaths
Images Added by Julian for enhanced reading. – Justin Source – Hipknowsys This week marks the 13th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 Nazionist terror attack and subsequent fascist coup d’etat in the United States. US “acting president” Barack Obama shows his true colors by the fact he repeats thoroughly discredited Nazionist lies, including those […]
David Wilcock Comments (2x) on Ben Fulford’s Latest Post 9-1-14… “Guardians of the Galaxy”
Source – Kauilapele’s Blog Another excellent David comment/article. ————————————- Comment by dwilcock on September 2, 2014 @ 2:28 am Glad Ben caught the epic JP Morgan computer hack, temporarily blamed on Russia, and the revealing statement from Kissinger expressing his regret about the crumbling of the New World Order. These were two of the most […]
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Benjamin Fulford – September 2, 2014: China asked to stop financing US based Nazionist organized crime syndicate
Source – Benjamin Fulford.net Last week the White Dragon Society asked the communist government of China to stop financing the Nazionist crime syndicate that has illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America. The request was sent via a senior Japan based Chinese agent. It was explained that rolling over the rogue […]
Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock’s Comments (3x) – August 26, 2014: Major fall offensive against Nazionists begins despite continuing cabal threats of mass murder
Source – Hipknowsys The summer is ending and the Satan-worshipping cabalists are trembling in fear of what will come their way this autumn, according to White Dragon Society, CIA and Chinese government and other sources. However, instead of anything dramatic happening, the cabal will be left to continue its slow motion implosion as new international […]
Benjamin Fulford – August 11, 2014: Long term scenarios for the planet earth negotiated between the various secret societies
Source – Hipknowsys Notice to readers, this week marks the beginning of my annual one month break from the internet. For that reason, until the August 25th edition, reports will cover topics that are not time sensitive. Recent events in the Middle East have been unfolding in a way that was explained to this writer […]
Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock’s Comments – August 4, 2014: It is time to briefly summarize the recent history of the ongoing battle for the planet earth
Source – Hipknowsys As readers are aware, there has been a war raging over the process of deciding what we as a species do in the future. Since the war is coming to an end, it is a good time to look back and see who is fighting and what the stakes are. Essentially what […]
Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock’s three Comments – July 7, 2014: Some kind of major show-down is looming this month as new BRICS bank set to launch
Source – Hipknowsys There are many signs the ongoing financial war for the future of the planet is heading for a major inflection point as the BRICS heads of state meet July 14-16 to formally set up their alternative to the cabal controlled IMF and World Bank. The cabal has already signaled its displeasure by blowing […]
Benjamin Fulford – June 16, 2014: Are all of these emergency meetings of world leaders leading to some big announcement?
Source – Hipknowsys Seemingly unrelated events like the trouble in the Ukraine, the emergence of new countries in the Middle East and a never ending stream of meetings of world leaders are all inter-connected and leading to some world altering event. The event could be the announcement of an entirely different, and more benevolent, way […]