(Elias Marat) The young boy from Cheyenne, Wyoming, is being hailed as a hero across social media for his selfless and brave act.
GOODNESS: Man Bravely Jumps Into Zoo Enclosure to Save Drowning Chimp
(Jade Small) Zoos around the world use specially designed enclosures for wild animals for the protection of the visitors and the animals. Unfortunately, in recent history, enclosures have been breached by visitors. Whether by accident or deliberately, such breaches can lead to serious injury or death for the human, the animal, or both.
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Avengers Assemble! MCU Stars Personally Thank 6-Year-Old Hero Who Saved Little Sister from Dog
(Elias Marat) The brave six-year old boy who unflinchingly put his life on the line to save his little sister from a charging dog is receiving a present that he’ll never forget: an authentic Captain America shield from the Marvel Comics Universe.
These Four Heroic Boys Saved This Abandoned Dog Who Was Tied With a Bungee Cord
(Mayukh Saha) We might be going through a tough time during this pandemic, but have you ever wondered how difficult it is for stray animals? While America may not have a lot of stray animals, the mental pressure that the population is facing right now is getting a vent-out on pets as well. Yes, neglecting pets […]
GOODNESS: Hero Park Ranger Carries Dehydrated Dog To Safety Down a Treacherous Mountain Trail
(Good News Network) Not all heroes wear capes—some wear hiking boots and work in America’s National Parks.
6-Year-Old Saves Life of Substitute Teacher Who Falls and Cracks Skull During Kindergarten Class
(Lori C. Summers) When a substitute teacher had a fall and hit her head during her kindergartner class, every student stood shocked. That is, every child apart from one “tiny hero” who rushed to get help and in turn saved the woman’s life. The gratefulness and recognition the boy received as a result is incredibly touching.
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This Border Collie Saved A Flock Of Sheep From A Wall Of Fire In Australia
(Mayukh Saha) A border collie named Patsy contributed to the animal rescue efforts in Australia last week, rounding up a flock of sheep and herding them away from huge fires that were advancing towards the farm they call home.