(Steve Giblin) I spent 99% of my time in the Navy as a Special Warfare Operator, a SEAL. A Frogman and “Tier One” operator for 28 years, nine more as a civilian. I have far more time training for war than I have time in war. I was deployed more than a third of my career, but that doesn’t mean I went to war every time.
MUST WATCH: His 11-Yr-Old Daughter Inspired Him To Speak Out Against Vaccine Mandates…And When He Did, His Powerful Story About Being Fired Went Viral
(Patty McMurray) Josh Watkins is a hero. He saves lives for a living.
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Note Found in Gas Station Bathroom May Have Saved Woman’s Life, Police Say
(Brett Davis) A bathroom note found by a gas station clerk in Sweetwater, Tennessee, may have ended up saving a battered woman’s life.
MILE LONG PARADE OF VEHICLES Honor LCpl. Jared Schmitz Who Was Killed in Kabul — THOUSANDS of Trucks, Cars, Patriot Guard Bikers Turn Out in St. Louis to Escort American Hero Home (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) LCpl. Jared Schmitz was killed by a suicide bomber in Kabul on August 26th. Schmitz and 12 other American heroes were killed by an Islamist bomber while assisting Americans and Afghan allies at the city airport in Kabul. Over one hundred Afghans were also killed in the enormous blast.
Hero Ron DeSantis on Democrats Passing HR1: “We Would Immediately Sue and I Think We Would Win”
(Jim Hoft) Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told Breitbart in an exclusive interview that if HR1 passes into law Florida would immediately sue because its unconstitutional.
Video: 82-Year-Old Atlanta Man Stops Armed Teen Carjacking Thug
(Leisa Audette) Carjackings in America have recently skyrocketed. The carjackings in D.C. have tripled since this time last year. With the recent murder of a D.C. Uber driver, more attention has been on preventing the frightening crime from happening.
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GOODNESS: Man saves police officer from burning vehicle despite his history with police
(Steve Hartman) Who could blame Daylan McLee for hating the police? McLee was falsely accused of pointing a gun at an officer and spent a year in jail before a jury finally acquitted him — not to mention the countless traffic stops.
Florida Waitress Hailed as a Hero after She Saw Something Strange about a Boy She Served and Took Action
(Carlos Garcia) A quick-thinking waitress is being hailed as a hero after she noticed something strange about a young boy with his family at her restaurant on New Year’s Day in Orlando, Florida.
Will Jesse Morgan be the HERO to Save Pennsylvania and This Country? – Trump Posted This on His YouTube Account Last Night ( VIDEO)
(Joe Hoft) Will Jesse Morgan, USPS Contractor, be the “hero” to save Pennsylvania?
California Man Tackles and Throat-Punches 350-Pound Bear To Save His Pit Bull
(Elias Marat) Kaleb Benham of Grass Valley, California, spent much of his Thanksgiving lying with his 90-pound pit bull Buddy after getting into a life-or-death fight with a huge, 350-pound bear.
Viral Video: Puppy Snatched from the Jaws of Gator by Owner
(Leisa Audette) A man is seen popping up from the water holding a small gator with a puppy in its mouth. The man never drops the cigar in his mouth while he wrestles the puppy from the gator. He moves toward the water’s edge as he’s trying to get the gator to drop the puppy, and suddenly the puppy falls out and runs away.
British Hero Who Rescued U.S. Hostages From Terrorists: Trump Made Unplanned Meeting To Thank Me
(Hank Berrien) An elite British soldier who apparently organized the operation that rescued American hostages in Nairobi and personally shot two Somali Islamic terrorists revealed that President Trump made an unplanned meeting to personally thank him.
Heartwarming: Saving Children’s Lives (Video)
Heartwarming: Saving Children’s Lives (Video)
HEROIC: Truck Driver Dies a Hero After Spending His Last Breath Rescuing Kids From School Bus Crash
(Elias Marat) A Florida man is being hailed as a hero after colliding in a rental truck with a Georgia school bus and spending the last of his energy saving children before finally collapsing and dying.
The Legend of Odysseus, a Resourceful Hero
(Exploring Your Mind) The legend of Odysseus is about the most human of all Greek heroes. Popular for his wit, he’s the protagonist of Homer’s famous book the Odyssey. In it, he goes through countless adventures and is always admired for his cunningness. He was born right after his mother was caught on the road on a rainy day. The word “Odysseus” means “Zeus rained down the road”.