(Justin Deschamps) One People’s Public Trust trustee and Treasury Direct Account promoter Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf was sentenced to four years in prison last week, ending a year-long controversy that has embroiled many seeking to regain freedom from a defunct and corrupt system.
heather ann tucci-jarraf
Update from Anna von Reitz on Arrest of Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf (OPPT Trustee & Treasury Direct Account Use Promoter)
(Ann von Reitz) Remember what I said about Heather Tucci-Jaraf most likely being in trouble for trying to access the trust account of HEATHER TUCCI-JARAF which is a Cestui Que Vie Trust set up for a young child who was declared “missing, presumed dead” many years ago? That she would have to go through probate […]
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Arrest Update of Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf (OPPT Trustee & Treasury Direct Account Use Promoter) in Washington D.C. July 25, 2017
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, OPPT trustee and Treasury Direct Account usage (TDA) promoter was arrested in Washington D.C. recently. The nature of her arrest was peculiar and could be an effort on the part of the shadow government to make an example of a rather public figure who is advocating the […]
Free Money? Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond)
What if we could pay our debts with money from a government account? Well a small group of individuals appear to have found a way to do just that. They are accessing what are apparently called Treasury Direct Accounts to pay credit cards, mortgages, student loans and so on. It might sound like the latest internet scam—and I’m not necessarily saying that it isn’t—but there’s a very real lawful and legal reality to comprehend behind this latest promise for “legal remedy.” But before you get your latest credit card bill out, there are some major risks in law that needs to be considered.
Registering to Vote Gives Up Your Natural Rights | Judge Anna Von Reitz
Here is some information from Judge Anna. For previous updates regarding this key knowledge Judge Anna brings forth click here. Related: Citizen’s Mass Arrest of the Cabal – What You Need to Know | NOTICE – PUBLIC ORDER – April 3, 2015 issued by Judge Anna von Reitz Related: The National Debt Is Not For Americans To […]
Hope from The Fix the World Organization on: The One Network Speaks Out on the OPPT
Hope, from the Fix the World Organization recently shared her thoughts on the disclosures from the ONE Network last week. This goes along with our candid Diary from, released the same day SITS Morocco Diary #3: Part 2 – Removing the Veil from One People Community Aouchtam. – Justin Source – Fix the World On Thanksgiving […]
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Heather’s (Ann Tucci Jarraf) final post to her web page…
Source – American Kabuki [10/29/14, 2:48:50 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I: Bill, as this next bit is done, and before it gets really wild….I just wanted to say thank you for everything…including, and, especially, helping me to do the website… I just posted the final bit…Source Fource… Source: http://americankabuki.blogspot.com.au/2014/10/heathers-final-post-to-her-web-page.html
Co-opting the Co-opted: “Occupy Wall Street was completely funded by the Bankers…”
Down with the dollar: Occupy Wall Street members stage a protest march near Wall Street in New York Photo: GETTY Source – Removing the Shackles I am going to give you some data. For many of you, most of this data won’t mean much, but for some of you, this data will illuminate a lot of pieces […]
Collective Imagination – September 2nd 2014 | with Lisa M Harrison, Brian Kelly and Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf (Stream Audio Archive)
The youtube archive will be available soon. Until then you can stream the audio archive using the link below. – Justin Source – The One Network On the Collective Imagination this week Lisa and Brian are again joined by Heather and D to answer many of the questions that were put forward by viewers prior […]
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Raw Footage: Sacha Stone and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Interview 08/26/14
Source – Removing the Shackles.com http://youtu.be/5guASIkdLEU Good evening everyone! Here is the raw, unedited video footage of The Collective Imagination Interview with Heather Tucci-Jarraf and Sasha Stone that was recorded on Tuesday August 26th, 2014. As many of you probably have already heard, we had some technical issues with getting the broadcast live on Tuesday. […]
The Collective Imagination relaunch w’ Heather Tucci-Jarraf and Sacha Stone – 8am EST August 26th 2014 (Air Date)
Updated – 8.26.2014 1:22pm – Due to technical difficulties, the show was not able to be heard live, although the chat room was able to be used to ask questions. The One Network will upload the recording which I will post here when it becomes available. FYI this show will Air at 8am EST (1pm […]
THE WILL OF I AM: Update from Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
This is one of Heather’s updates about Energy and the ‘current state of affairs’ in her usual language. There is much about it which resonates, but much I do not fully understand. Regardless I feel it will be one of the many puzzle pieces that will link itself into our perception as events unfold. – Justin […]
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf : I AM WITHOUT PREJUDICE Updated
Updated 3.29.2014 9:33pm: I have been getting a lot of questions about how these documents are supposed to be used. See this post How to Defeat Admiralty Courts And the Law of the (Holy) See – by Judge Dale for a detailed explanation of what the 12 presumptions are. Heather’s documents help remove any Tacitusly Procured consent and rebut […]
THE WILL OF I AM: FORMER SYSTEMS TRANSITION TO PURE ENERGY IN PEACE! New “rebutting Alleged ‘Judgements, Complaints, Charges and Jurisdiction’ as a Sovereign” Docs by Heather Ann Tucci
I haven’t had a chance to dig into all these documents yet, but when Brian and I were reviewing them this morning, they were clearly for dispelling any Tacitusly acquired consent from the former systems. In other words, the former systems Presume 12 essential Presumptions which they use to assert your incompetence and nearly all of […]
Morocco Diary #5 by American Kabuki
Source – American Kabuki Evening over Martil Morocco Morocco Diary #5 By American Kabuki Its now March and the winds are truly roaring in like a lion in Northern Morocco. One day it comes from desert, another it comes from the sea. Change is in the wind, in the world at large and in me personally. […]