(Ramon Tomey) Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough called for the removal of politics from healthcare during the Conservative Political Action Conference 2022 (CPAC 2022) in Orlando, Florida.
Freedom Med CEO Kevin Jenkins: We Are Creating Freedom Med To ‘Break Away From Tyrannical Medical System,’ ‘Build A New World Where Healthcare And Human Life Are Valued’
(Alicia Powe) The vast majority of COVID-19 related deaths occur in hospitals. But they’re not dying from the disease.
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Top Reasons Why Healthcare Professionals Refuse To Speak Up About COVID Vaccine Injury and Death
(Lance D Johnson) A growing number of healthcare professionals are speaking up about the damage wrought by Dr. Fauci’s remdesivir, ventilator and vaccine mandate across U.S. hospital systems. More healthcare professionals are starting to speak up about covid vaccine injuries and the rise of severe disease in the “fully vaccinated.” But if the mandated protocols and experimental vaccines were really dangerous, then why wouldn’t everyone in the medical field speak out and demand change?
BREAKING: Fed Judge Blocks Vaccine Mandates in 10 States for Healthcare Workers…As Tide Turns Against Tyranny
(Amber Crawford) A federal judge has temporarily blocked vaccine mandates for health workers in the 10 states which had filed a lawsuit against the government: Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Judge Matthew Schelp ruled that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) could not enforce the Biden administration’s COVID vaccine mandate because they had not been granted authority to do so, nor did they have the proper evidence to convince the court of the necessity of the mandate.
Get Ready for More Shortages: Truck Driver Shortage Is Getting Worse and There Aren’t Enough Drivers to Fix the Problem
(JD Heyes) The supply chain crisis under Joe Biden is going from bad to worse and that’s not even the most disturbing news: At this point there is simply nothing to stop the massive shortages that are coming.
A Tool of Control: How Health Officials Weaponize Language to Manage Public Perception of COVID Vaccines
(Children’s Health Defense) Psychological and linguistic manipulation are, for those in power, proven tools for building, consolidating and maintaining dominance — a reality keenly depicted in George Orwell’s never-more-relevant novel, “1984.”
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What Vaccines Say About the Precarious State of Our Freedom
(J.B. Shurk) As purportedly “free” countries all over the world get their tyrannical freak on by insisting that every citizen be jabbed with an experimental pharmaceutical cocktail or face the wrath of the Leviathan, I am reminded of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, in which he remarked: “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive.” Jefferson’s point was that ordinary citizens represent a necessary check on the natural abuses of government and the last line of defense against corruption and political tyranny.
FDA to Add Warning to J&J Vaccine of ‘Serious But Rare’ Autoimmune Disorder
(Megan Redshaw) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is will announce a new warning on Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) COVID vaccine saying the shot has been linked to Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), a “serious but rare” autoimmune disorder. The Washington Post attributed the news to “four individuals familiar with the situation.”
Mounting Evidence Shows Haitian President Moïse Was Assassinated Before Blowing Whistle on Vaccines
(JD Rucker) There is growing speculation that Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated before he could blow the whistle on Covid-19 vaccines. Before we get into that speculation, let’s start with the facts.
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More Fauci Lies: The Dirty Truth About the Only FDA Approved COVID Prescription
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) It’s challenging to find a statement or recommendation by Anthony Fauci that isn’t a bald-faced lie, but this is a big one.
Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming
(NOQ Report) This article by Dr Gérard Delépine was first published in French on Global Research’s French language website mondialisation.ca. The English text below is an AI Translation with some minor edits by Global Research. This article demonstrates unequivocally that mortality and morbidity has increased dramatically as a result of the vaccine. The incidence of Covid positive cases has also increased.
Peer Reviewed Healthcare Journal Publishes Article Claiming Whiteness Is ‘Malignant, Parasitic-like Condition’ Requiring Unspecified ‘Treatment’
(Gabriel Keane) An article published by a man named Donald Moss in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, a bi-monthly peer-reviewed scholarly publication, advances the racist – and according to critics,potentially genocidal – notion that “whiteness” is a “malignant” health ailment that can only be treated through “psychic and social-historical interventions.”
HCA Healthcare Announces Partnership with Dr. Google, Exposing 32 Million Patient Records to Big Tech’s Prying Eyes
(Ethan Huff) A major hospital chain has struck a partnership with Google to upload 32 million private patient medical records to the Google “Cloud.
117 Healthcare Workers Sue Houston Hospital for Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
(Daniel_g) Could this be the first domino to fall in a long line of lawsuits?
It’s Not Working: 86 Million Vaccinated, yet Daily Covid-19 Cases Are the Same as They Were in February
(JD Rucker) The coming vaccine narrative should concern you even more than the old one.