(Nolan Barton) Hate crimes targeting Christians are increasingly becoming normal in Canada. There have been at least 45 attacks on Christian congregations in the country since June, including 17 cases in which churches were completely burned down.
hate crime
Hate Crime Hoax: Student Sets Room on Fire, Claims She Was Target of Racist Attacks
(Arsenio Toledo) A female student at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin, claimed to be a victim of racist attacks. She even reported that somebody had started a small fire in her on-campus residence hall to attack her. But a closer investigation showed that the student started the fire herself.
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How is this NOT a hate crime? Police Investigate Vicious Attack on Military Vet Beaten and Called “White B—-“
(Leisa Audette) The Louisville Metro Police Department says the determination as to whether or not an incident over Mother’s Day weekend should be classified as a hate crime will be determined by the courts, according to the Washington Examiner:
VIDEO: List Of Suspects Committing Anti-Asian Hate Crimes In NYC Contains ZERO White People
(Gabriel Keane) Booking photographs from the latest police crackdown on anti-Asian hate crimes in New York City revealed this week what many citizens already knew: all of the perpetrators wanted arrested in relation to the attacks were non-white.
Hate Crimes are White Boogeyman Chum
(Rich Logis) When I heard about the Atlanta Asian massage parlor shootings last week, my immediate thought was, Here come more hate crime lies, at the exploitative expense of the dead.
FBI Crime Stats Prove “White Supremacy” Not Responsible For Hate Crime Threat to Asians
(Paul Joseph Watson) FBI crime statistics debunk the media’s narrative that white people represent the biggest violent crime threat to Asians, with figures showing whites significantly underrepresented in crime stats compared to their per capita population.
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Silence Will Be the Next Hate Crime
(John Klar) Attacking so-called “hate speech” has proven an effective Trojan horse technique by BLM and Antifa social justice warriors, who have incorporated Critical Race Theory (CRT) into their pernicious plans to dismantle the Constitution. After all, who wants to defend hate speech? But connecting the jurisprudential dots reveals that the whiter-than-snow “cause” of inner-city black suffering is the battering ram to bypass the very liberties that nurtured the abolitionist and Civil Rights movements. Might this chaos extend even to the point of criminalizing silence as hate speech?
Black Georgia Man Who Stabbed Stranger Says He ‘Felt the Need to Find a White Male to Kill’
(Cassandra Fairbanks) A man arrested for stabbing a stranger on Tuesday said that he “felt the need to find a white man to kill” after watching videos of “police brutality.”
Statue of Jesus Decapitated at Catholic Church in Florida, Archbishop Requests It Be Investigated as Hate Crime
(Cassandra Fairbanks) The statue at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Southwest Miami-Dade was found vandalized and knocked from its pedestal on July 15.
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Facebook’s Secret “Hate Agent” Formula Leaked by Insider
(Zero Hedge) An internal Facebook document reveals that the social media giant monitors its users’ offline behavior as part of how the company determines whether a person should be classified as a “Hate Agent,” according to Breitbart‘s Allum Bokhari who has reviewed the document.
Wave Of Hate-Crime Hoaxes Stokes Panic In Portland
(Zero Hedge) Jussie Smollett isn’t alone in trying to fake a hate crime for personal or selfish reasons. Hate crime hoaxes happen more often than many well-meaning Americans probably realize, and often they’re orchestrated as part of a trend intended to provoke hysteria and panic.
“Alleged” Hate Crime Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Has His Charges Dropped by a Black Prosecutor Who Believes He Should Be Above the Law
(JD Heyes) If you live in Chicago and you don’t have to remain there for your work, it might be a good idea for you to find somewhere else to live. And while you’re at it, you might just vacate Illinois altogether.
Giant List Of MSM-Fueled Hate-Crime Hoaxes Meant To Frame Trump Supporters
(Zero Hedge) As Brian Stelter and CNN work overtime to pretend that the MSM didn’t uncritically promote Jussie Smollett’s absurd “hate crime” story in a giddy rush to frame Trump supporters as violent, journalist and photographer Andy Ngo has pushed back.