(Kyle Becker) The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a ruling stating Americans do not have an inherent right to carry firearms, whether it be concealed or open carry.
Missouri Gun Shop Refuses To Sell Weapons, Ammo To Biden Supporters, And They’re Very Upset
(Tom Pappert) Biden supporters are mad that a conservative gun shop won’t sell them guns or ammo.
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Gun-buying Activity Shatters Records in 2020 amid Lockdowns, Riots, Presidential Election
(Daniel Payne) FBI saw largest yearly increase of background checks in 20 years.
INSANITY: Drops Charges On Portland Autonomous Zone Occupiers, Including Felon with Body Armor, After Police Find Multiple Guns
(Brock Simmons) Predictably, Multnomah County district attorney Mike Schmidt has dropped charges against all of the protesters who were arrested on Tuesday as part of the autonomous zone blockade and ensuing melee with police. The occupied zone is now being referred to RHAZ; Red House Autonomous Zone.