(A.j. Cooke) Special Prosecutor Durham’s indictment alleges a Big Tech executive working for the Clinton campaign fabricated fake Trump-Russia evidence and funneled it to the FBI.
Lawsuit: Apple, Google Recording Users Without Their Knowledge
(Ralph Flores) BigTech has long insisted that voice assistance is the next step when it comes to convenience, saying the technology can help people with every little need that pops up. But a new lawsuit challenges that narrative, alleging that voice assistants from Google and Apple listen in on, and even record, conversations — even if they’re not supposed to.
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Zach Vorhies Reveals Google’s Plan to ENSLAVE Humanity
(Ramon Tomey) Former Google senior engineer turned whistleblower Zach Vorhies exposed Google’s plan to enslave humanity in favor of artificial intelligence. He told the Health Ranger Mike Adams of this plan when he appeared in an episode of the Health Ranger Report on BrighteonTV. Vorhies added that Google is indeed complicit in a plot to bring down America.
Revealed: Big Tech Paid Off “Conservative” Media Outlets in an Effort to Wipe Out Criticism for Censoring Conservatives
(JD Heyes) If you still weren’t quite convinced that our country’s moral compass has shattered and that our value and belief systems have been completely corrupted by greed and lust, this should finally convince you.
Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Discusses New Book “Google Leaks” with Gateway Pundit – And Reveals Radical Group Leading Censorship Efforts at Google (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Back in August 2019 Google senior engineer Zachary Vorhies went public and exposed Google and its operation to control the global information landscape.
Top Google Engineer Abandons Company, Reveals Big Tech Rewrote Algorithms to Target Trump
(Kipp Jones) A Big Tech whistleblower said Google altered its algorithm in order to ensure that negative stories from the establishment media about former Present Donald Trump were what people saw when using the highest-trafficked website on the internet.
YouTube Takes down American Conservative Union Video about Trump’s Lawsuit Against Big Tech Censorship
(Cassie B) YouTube’s censorship of conservatives continues in full swing as The American Conservative Union (ACU) reports that the platform has deleted one of its videos covering class-action lawsuits filed by former President Donald Trump against several parties, including YouTube’s owner, Google. In addition, the ACU was banned from posting any new content on the platform for a week.
DITCH GOOGLE: Introducing The New Censorship-Proof Freedom Phone! Easy To Switch!
(Noah) Noah here and I am so excited to FINALLY be able to announce this to you…
The Search Engines and Covid Vaccine Safety
(Jack Gleason) There is a debate raging in the minds of those trying to decide, “Do I get the shot, or do I run the risk of dying from COVID and/or infecting someone I love?”
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Google Turns Android Phones Into Vaccine Passports
(Nolan Barton) Android phones can now save and display coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination cards, essentially making them a digital vaccine passport.
Whopping 36 States and DC Sign Onto Major Antitrust Suit Against Google
(Erin Coates) A group of 36 states and Washington, D.C., filed a lawsuit against Google on Wednesday targeting the tech giant’s control of its Android app store.
LIVE STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Announces Lawsuits Against Twitter, Google and Facebook CEOs — Asks for Punitive Damages – Via RSBN on Rumble
(Jim Hoft) President Donald Trump announced he is holding a press conference on Wednesday morning in his efforts to protect the First Amendment.
Not Only Did Google Fund Bioweapons Research, It Also Censored Information About Covid’s Lab Origins
(Ethan Huff) David Feinberg, the head of Google’s “health division,” admitted at a recent forum of The Wall Street Journal that the tech giant censored information showing that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) may have originated at a Chinese laboratory.
UK Regulator Investigates Amazon, Google over Proliferation of Fake Reviews
(Arsenio Toledo) Google and Amazon are going to be investigated by the United Kingdom’s top antitrust regulator over concerns that the two American tech giants are not doing enough to crack down on fake reviews on their websites.
Bogus Fact-Check Site Used by Google Lists All Conservative Outlets as “Low Credibility” – But Lists All Far Left and Liberal Mainstream Outlets as High Credibility
(Alicia Powe) Amid rampant censorship and demontization of the truth, conservatives are being purged from the internet.