(Gary Meisner) The application of the golden ratio by the designers of the Parthenon is a common point of confusion and dissension. Multiple seemingly credible sources state that the golden ratio was not used in the design of the Parthenon. Most of these, however, trace back to a single very inaccurate and incomplete article as their source. Once this information was published by a few recognized authorities, more people yet then quoted them as a “reputable” source, and the misinformation grew.
golden ratio
Understanding Magick: A Spiritual Art and Science
(Mickey Megistus) Before my awakening process started in earnest back around 2006, I was very much a man of materialism. Although I was idealistic, with a love for philosophy, I was also atheistic, hedonistic, and if I couldn’t understand something in a physical sense, then I thought it was just superstition and fantasy.
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Living Through the Golden Ratio – Tap Into the Nature of the Universe (Video)
Living Through the Golden Ratio – Tap Into the Nature of the Universe (Video)
Scientists: Golden Ratio Observed In Human Skulls — Does this Mean We’re Pre-Programmed to Understand Fractal Realities?
(Justin Deschamps) The golden ratio is a number or mathematic constant found almost everywhere in nature. It’s also used in the development of technology, and user interfaces, as human beings seem to be innately programmed to respond to the so-called golden number. Recently, a team of scientists discovered that the spatial morphology, or shape, of the human skull, is more reflective of the golden ratio than other animals. What might this mean?
The Beauty in Numbers, and the Numbers in Beauty
(Oscar Fernandez Ph.D) How mathematics helps us explain beauty.
Ken Wheeler on the Lost Pythagorean Secrets of the Golden Ratio
(Aether Force) Through Ken Wheeler’s lecture series on Magnetism and his books “Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism“, “The Indefinite Dyad in Plotinus’ Metaphysics & Mysticism“, & “Pythagoras, Plato, & the Golden Ratio“, he describes the role of magnetism and gravity as expressions of dielectricity in a conjugate universe. As a linguist and meta-physician, he has re-envisioned modern physics with Platonic Logic. His work, if taken seriously, provides much support to the theories of Walter Russell. Below you will see a collection of Videos where Ken describes the lost Pythagorean secrets of incommensurability and the golden ratio.
Golden Ratio Myth, Fact and Misunderstanding: The Missing Evidence
(Gary Meisner) There are many misconceptions and misrepresentations about the golden ratio. Some look too fervently for patterns and say it exists where it really doesn’t. Some whose goal is to debunk golden ratio myth say it doesn’t exist where it really does, missing the obvious and often not stating what proportions appear instead.
Golden Ratio Overview — The Sacred Number Found Everywhere in Nature and Society
(Gary Meisner) What makes a single number so interesting that ancient Greeks, Renaissance artists, a 17th century astronomer and a 21st century novelist all would write about it? It’s a number that goes by many names. This “golden” number, 1.61803399, represented by the Greek letter Phi, is known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Number, Golden Proportion, Golden Mean, Golden Section, Divine Proportion and Divine Section.
Phi, 1.618, the Golden Ratio Site Introduction
(Gary B Meisner) As the author of this site since 1997, I’ve changed my views and the information on this site as well. Let’s look at some of the common points of confusion and debate, covering beauty, the Parthenon, the UN Secretariat Building, the Great Pyramid, Nautilus shell, use by famous artists (Da Vinci, Botticelli, Seurat, etc.) and other topics. I’ll provide objective answers, with additional evidence in the supporting articles for each topic. I’ll also welcome any evidence to support opposing views.
Golden Ratio in Science
(Nick Seewald) 1. Hydrogen Bond Distances It has been found recently (in 2005, actually), that the golden ratio plays a significant role in atomic physics in that it governs what is known as the Bohr radius (the radius of atoms and ions that enables quantitative discussion of bond lengths between atoms and partial ionic character […]
Implosion physics The Real [Holy] Grail is in Your DNA by Dan Winter’s Implosion group | Fractals, Golden (Phi) Ratio, Bliss and Love Science, Heart Coherence, Feng Shui, Gravity
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article details an extensive amount of information related to the physics of DNA, consciousness, gravity, feng shui, bliss, heart coherence, emotional effects on matter, and so much more. The article was written over ten years ago and many of the links pointing to www.soulinvitation.com no longer work. But Dan […]
Pythagoras, the Golden Ratio & The Tuning of the Human Frequency — Fibonacci 60 Repeating Pattern
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Here is an article that gives a brief overview of Pythagoras and the mathematical relationships found in nature that relate to the human body. This is a vast topic but it can be simply summarized with the hermetic principle of correspondence, which says: As above; so below. As within; so […]
Fractal Universe | Proof of Consciousness and a Creator, the Dreamer within the Dream – Understanding the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio
by Justin Deschamps How do we know that the universe has laws? Because everywhere we see organization, we see patterns. How do we know that the universe is based on consciousness? Because before there can be a manifested result, there must be a mind or consciousness to envision it. Before there can be an object there […]
Why Sound Heals | Cymatics, Entrainment, Mandalas, Frequencies and DNA
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The process of infusing truth into the minds of spiritually embodied souls is an entrainment or synchronization process. Sound is an electromagnetic wave phenomenon, along with light and heat. All of these things transmit information to the body, which acts as an antenna to receive and incorporate it into ourselves. […]
Phi or Golden Mean Ratio | 15 Plants That Teach Us Sacred Geometry At Its Finest
There is a sacred and divine order to the workings of the universe. Each stage of manifestation At the same ratio is present, the golden mean ratio. Related All Solar System Periods Fit The Fibonacci And The Golden Ratio Series | Why The Phi? This proportion is so Fundamental to life, so integrated into all […]