(Scott Mandelker) Throughout The Ra Material there is extended discussion of this inter-dimensional, multi-planetary, somewhat rival alliance of other galactic civilizations, united (albeit, with constant internal strife) loosely in accord with what is considered the path of service to self — soul evolution devoid of qualities of love and compassion. In some Buddhist-Hindu traditions, this is called “the left-hand path,” the way of the Asuras or fighting, jealous, angry gods.
Gnostics, Yahweh, and Cosmic Mid East War (Part I)
(Scott Manndelker) Having read widely among Gnostic texts in translation and modern New Age sources, I’ve come across an interesting linkage that may shed light on a few esoteric dynamics of Earth life. For specialists, it may also clarify some the origins of the Gnostic view and the debacle of the Middle East in human history.
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Federal Reserve ‘Gnostic Secrets’ Now Revealed? A First Take on the Fed’s Bank Holding Company Act Control ProposalFederal Reserve ‘Gnostic Secrets’ Now Revealed? A First Take on the Fed’s Bank Holding Company Act Control Proposal
(Morgan Lewis) The Federal Reserve Board (Fed) released on April 23 a notice of proposed rulemaking to clarify the standards and criteria under which one company “controls” another company under the Bank Holding Company Act (BHCA) and the Savings and Loan Holding Company Act (SLHCA). This long-awaited proposal, which Fed officials have stated for some time was in the works, is notable for several reasons—primarily because if adopted, it will bring much-needed clarity to an area of banking law that historically has been notoriously opaque.