(JD Heyes) Recently imposed economic and financial sanctions on Russia by the U.S.-led West after Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine are weakening the dominance of the U.S. petrodollar as the world’s reserve currency, according to a ranking International Monetary Fund official.
global reset
‘Global Reset’ Needed To Fight Future Pandemics Germany’s Health Minister Tells WHO
(NWO Report) Germany’s Health Minister Jens Spahn told a World Health Organization (WHO) briefing on Wednesday that a “global reset” is needed to fight future pandemics.
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America’s Economy Cannot Survive Another Lockdown — And the ‘Global Reset’ Cult Knows It
(Brandon Smith) The U.S. economy has been on the verge of collapse for at least a decade, ever since the crash of 2008 and the subsequent explosion in fiat stimulus from the Federal Reserve.
The Alliance is INTENTIONALLY Destroying the CABAL-Controlled Economy—But A New Development Will Bring Us Back from the Brink
(Justin Deschamps) Is there a global implosion of the economy taking place at this time? By all accounts, yes there is. The coronavirus pandemic and global response created one of the swiftest and most sweeping shifts in the global economic structure in world history. Many assume this is the beginning of the end. Many contend that this is exactly what the banksters and their Cabal cohorts wanted. But I suspect and have a good case to make that this is part of the global takedown of the Deep State.
‘THE WORLD WILL BE DIFFERENT’: Blackrock Chief Says the Global Economy Has Been Changed Forever
(Annie Massa) BlackRock chief executive officer Larry Fink predicted the economy will eventually recover from the coronavirus outbreak, though he said the crisis will reshape investor psychology, business practices and consumer habits.
Updated: Trump Pushes For The Biggest Emergency Economic Stimulus in History — Mass Arrests, NESARA, Financial Reset Initiated?
(Justin Deschamps) In an unprecedented move, President Donald Trump announced today that he will be spearheading the largest emergency economic stimulus package in US history.
Globalists (Deep State) Are Bringing Their One World Currency Plans Out Into The Open
(Brandon Smith) People often ask me when they should begin to worry about the agenda for the “global economic reset” and the controlled demolition of the economy? If economic collapse is a process rather than an event, at what point in the process will we start to feel direct consequences?
Benjamin Fulford on the Global Currency Reset
Dear Benjamin,
For the past few weeks your sources keep mentioning a Global Currency Reset that’s supposed to happen when exactly? And what is it all about? Appreciation of precious metals? And what’s going on with the price of these? Aren’t they still rigged?
BRICS, Bitcoin and Gold: Resetting the Global Financial System
by Lance Schuttler, Greek philosopher Socrates once said “the secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” This is exactly what the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and what Bitcoin are in the process of doing. While each model is […]
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Rothschild Controlled Media Outlet — ‘Get Ready for a World Currency by 2018’
(Jay Syrmopoulos) The Economist magazine published an article almost thirty years ago, discussing the prospect of a world currency that should be expected around the year 2018. The 1988 article foreshadows a methodical movement towards a centralized world currency that we have, in many ways, seen play out over the past few decades. Related End […]
5 Signs We Are Going Through A Global Mass Awakening
(Luke Miller) We are currently in the middle of a mass awakening which is happening on multiple levels all over the globe. Sometimes it can be hard to see what is happening with the constant distractions from media, advertising and constant disinformation put out by the propaganda machine. However I am fortunate enough to see […]
Russia Preps for Epic Split With Global Banking Cartel by Dumping US Dollar for Gold
(Claire Bernish) As relations with the West continue to deteriorate — and the potential for crushing sanctions remains tangible — President Vladimir Putin has begun preparing to release Russia from the crushing grip of the international banking system completely, by moving to a nationalist model based and conducting transactions with allies in gold. Related Putin: […]
Indian Government Now Confiscating Private Jewelry, Gold During Home Raids
(JD Heyes) If you’re an Indian citizen, it is best not to try to hoard gold, jewelry and other valuables, as the government will swoop in and seize it. As noted by Mish Talk, global financial repression is beginning to accelerate, and it is being led by the Asian giant, India. The government recently declared large […]
Video: Gary Larrabee — Kent Dunn Reports RV Being Delayed by ‘Sabre Rattling’ Against Russia by Obama
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information please send it to me. – Justin Source – Operation Disclosure https://youtu.be/KkF06EONQfc _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error […]
Physical Currency Being Removed From Circulation On A Global Scale
Cash Is No Longer King: Currency Wars, The Phasing Out of Physical Money Has Begun Source – Ascension With Earth By Shaun Bradley Global Research, December 15, 2016 The Anti-Media 8 December 2016 As physical currency around the world is increasingly phased out, the era where “cash is king” seems to be coming to an […]