(Adam Goldberg) On Monday night, something was recorded that seems to add to the enormous catalog of info out there to suggest that geoengineering is currently happening in real time. On that evening, a mysterious blip appeared on a radar over southern Illinois and western Kentucky in the Midwestern United States.
Mainstream Media Now Normalizing ‘Conspiracy Theory’ of Geoengineering Through Aerosol Spraying
(Matt Agorist) Mainstream media is now normalizing the geoengineering practice of spraying particulates into the atmosphere with airplanes to cool the planet.
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Global Climate Scandal: The CA Fires Are Caused By “Illegal And Ongoing Geoengineering”
(Mac Slavo) Newly elected California governor Gavin Newsom has had to declare a state of emergency due to the latest unprecedented wildfires ripping through the state. But are they so “unprecedented?” Or could these fires be the result of decades of illegal and ongoing climate engineering that Newsome is intentionally ignoring?
California Wildfire: Another Directed Energy Weapon Attack? — Extensive Scientific Evidence
(Geopolitics) The recent California Wildfire occurred with some very distinct anomalies that would raise a lot of questions to those who are fully aware of existing exotic ultrahigh energy-based technologies that were invented more than a hundred years ago.
What’s Happening To Trees—The Planet’s “Lungs”?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Tropical rainforests, in particular, often are called the “lungs of the planet” because they take in carbon dioxide—the consensus establishment’s supposed culprit causing climate change. Trees breathe out oxygen, their natural symbiotic relationship with humans. Shouldn’t we plant more trees?
Science of Chemtrails (MUST SEE) The Chemtrail Secret for Weather Warfare, Geoengineering, and Ozone Destruction
Science of Chemtrails (MUST SEE) The Chemtrail Secret for Weather Warfare, Geoengineering, and Ozone Destruction
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United Nations Pushes Geoengineering As Last Ditch Effort to Save Humanity
(Derrick Broze) In their new report the United Nations is sounding alarm bells about the need for controversial climate engineering technology.
Hurricane Michael Geoengineered? If so, Here’s the Possible Agenda
(Justin Deschamps) The following article assumes that Hurricane Michael was geoengineered and discusses what the agenda might be for targeting Florida.
Is The Sky Falling Or Is Just Weather Geoengineering “Killing Us Lightly”?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Are some folks, especially those in the media, starting to wake up about what’s happening with the weather? In the SE part of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and surrounding counties, in particular, the Spring and Summer of 2018 have been nothing short of thinking about building an ark, as we have had torrential floods weekly, if not many times daily!
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Living Fibers Are Being Sprayed from the Skies via Chemtrails
(Ethan Huff) Have you ever wondered why on some days the sky is its normal blue color with perhaps a few puffy clouds billowing by, while on others the sky is covered with aerosol-looking “streamer” clouds emanating from airplanes, criss-crossing back and forth as they suffocate the atmosphere in a blanket of white?
Geoengineering Conflicts with Agenda 21 — Evidence You Won’t Want to Miss
Geoengineering Conflicts with Agenda 21 — Evidence You Won’t Want to Miss
Silicone Nanoparticles In Chemtrails & The Future Of Silicone Based Life
(June Ann) Nanoparticles, once ingested can be taken up by the intestinal tract, and depending on their size pass into the lymph nodes, where they effect the immune system or the capillaries where they will most likely settle in various organs. Yea right, Like we need that !!!
Proof of Weather Control: Geoengineering Microwave Transmissions And Their Connection To Hurricane Florence — MUST SEE Evidence
Proof of of Weather Control: Geoengineering Microwave Transmissions And Their Connection To Hurricane Florence — MUST SEE Evidence
Hurricane Florence Geoengineered? Reviewing the Evidence (Video)
(Justin Deschamps) The following is a video presenting evidence that hurricane Florence may have been enhanced using various geoengineering methods.
EPA Whistleblower Exposes the Ongoing Geoengineering Omnicide (AUDIO)
(Peter A. Kirby) We have passed another major turning point in our noble anti-geoengineering movement. Chalk up another huge ‘W’ for Dane Wigington at GeoengineeringWatch.org. The man is on a tear.