(Dr. Joseph Mercola) Climate change may be at the point of no return, with heat waves, hurricanes and other extreme weather likely to worsen as global warming spirals out of control, a report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned in August 2021.1,2
Playing God: Us Government Funds Geoengineering, a Controversial and Deadly “Backup Plan” To Alter Earth’s Atmosphere in the Name of “Climate Science”
(Cassie B.) As climate change alarmists continue to insist that we need to cool the planet’s temperatures in order to save it, one approach that is being touted is geoengineering. Some researchers have been supporting the idea of the deliberate mass manipulation of our climate as a “backup plan” if the world does not succeed in reducing carbon emissions by 2 degrees, and now the U.S. government is throwing money behind the plans.
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Good News: Bill Gates’ Geoengineering Plot To Block The Sun Is Scrapped…
(Steve Watson) An effort to dim the sun to stop global warming has been scrapped by the Swedish Space Agency, who announced that the program, funded by Bill Gates, has ‘divided the scientific community’ and will therefore not be carried out.
URGENT: New Documentary Proves Climate Engineering by Controlling the Weather (NOT “Global Warming”) is Destroying Life and the Planet (Immediate Danger FAR Greater than COVID-19)
(Humans Are Free) As the world has been dominated for the past year by the fake threat that the Globalists want us to believe COVID-19 presents, a much greater risk to human health and the very life that exists on this planet has been covered up, until now.
It Turns Out Weather Modification Wasn’t Just Another Crazy Conspiracy Theory
(Robert Wheeler) Weather modification and manipulation don’t exist. Weather modification is a crazy conspiracy theory. Weather modification is not scientifically possible.
Humans Are Making Oceans Noisier, Hurting All Marine Life
(Divina Ramirez) The underwater realm is full of sounds – water churning, whales howling and corals popping. But according to a recent review, humans have terribly altered the ocean soundscape over the past few centuries. Today, sounds that mark healthy ocean life are drowned out by an increasingly loud cacophony of man-made noise.
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China to Expand Weather Modification Project to Cover Area the Size of India
(Frank Salvato) The Communist Chinese govern has announced it plans to radically expand its experimental weather modification project. Their goal is to achieve the ability to affect the weather over a 2.1 million square mile area, an area one and a half times the size of their regional foe, India.
China Is Weaponizing the Weather and Expands Its ‘weather Modification’ Efforts
(Strange Sounds) As the climate crisis escalates, China is planning a rapid expansion of its weather modification program.
Geoengineering Watch: Our First Ever High Altitude Atmospheric Testing
(Humans Are Free) The Geoengineering Watch team carried out multiple sample gathering flights in the high altitude haze layer being emitted by large jet carriers.
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A Secret Babylonian Cult – The Jesuits
(Alfred Lambremont Webre) Independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABD) discusses the historical role of Russia in protecting humanity against the destructive scenarios of Jesuitism, including the role of Tsar Alexander II in saving the USA during the Civil War to the present day of Vladimir Putin in preventing WWIII.
West Coast Fires: The Forests Are Dying Due to Geoengineering – If the Forests Die, We Will Die
(Brian Shilhavy) We are currently seeing unprecedented numbers of forest fires along the West Coast of the United States. The sheer volume of fires and acreage involved is something that has never been seen before.
Harvard Scientists Funded by Bill Gates to Begin Spraying Particles Into the Sky in Experiment to Dim the Sun
(Matt Agorist) No, we are not a satire site. We are not a conspiracy theory site. The information you are about to read is factually accurate and 100% real despite the ostensible ‘skeptics’ who claim otherwise. The controversial subject of geoengineering or weather modification – which was popularized, and oversimplified with the term “chemtrails” – is once again stepping from the shadows and into the light of public scrutiny. And it may soon be a reality as Harvard scientists plan first ever experiment to spray particles in the sky to dim the sun.
[Solar Flash] Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension | The Daniel Papers
Daniel: “This interpretation explains the chemtrails, HAARP, geoengineering, underground cities, genetic engineering and even explains the timelines and the upcoming ascension to a higher density.”
Declassified NZ Defense Force Reports: Chemtrails Linked to Outbreak of Illnesses
(Clare Swinney) Among a recently-released assortment of declassified reports of sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) from New Zealand, dating from 1952-2009, were letters written in 1999 and 2000 by a concerned citizen, who predicted that an outbreak of illnesses would occur after an “aircraft contrail,” otherwise known as a ‘chemtrail’, was seen over a populated area.
NASA Scientists Admits Chemtrails
(Alexander Light) Being questioned by Sue, a courageous and concerned citizen, NASA scientist Douglas E. Rowland admits chemtrails are real, during a phone conversation.