(Joe Hoft) Yesterday more documents were released in the General Flynn case. These documents were hidden and covered up by the FBI for four years. The documents are damning for the Deep State and show more abuse, corruption and criminal acts by the investigators and attorneys after General Flynn and President Trump.
general flynn
COMPLETE (Uncensored & Digitally Unredacted) Ghislaine Maxwell Documents 1,796 Pages — Download and Share Before They Get Removed
(Justin Deschamps) I was able to find a complete copy of the unsealed Ghislaine Maxwell documents that I was able to unredact and put the data in this post.
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Anarchy, An Enlightened Society, and the Difference Between Chaos and Order | Just In Stillness
(Justin Deschamps) In my view, there seems to be only one non-destructive interpretation of Anarchy—no tyrants, but valid rule under true law (God)—an Enlightened Republic of sovereigns who agree to create trusts and bodies to protect their rights—a government.
More Deep State Lawlessness: Judge Sullivan Appeals Order to Dismiss Flynn Case
(Kristinn Taylor) Judge Emmet Sullivan filed an appeal Thursday of the 2-1 writ of mandamus ruling last month by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to dismiss the Justice Department criminal case against former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (US Army Ret.) Sullivan is asking for an en banc hearing by the entire eleven judges on the appeals court.
General Flynn Urges President Trump to Commute Roger Stone’s Sentence
(Jacob Engels) Lt. General Michael Flynn, perhaps the most prominent victim of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Witch-hunt himself, has co-signed a letter to President Trump, urging him to either pardon or commute the sentence of long-time Trump advisor, Roger Stone, who is currently appealing his conviction on seven counts of “Lying to Congress” put together by Mueller henchman, Andrew Weissmann.
General Flynn Oath Taken: ‘Where We Go One We Go All’
(Sierra (NZ)) In a wonderful gesture of solidarity on Independence Day, General Flynn and his family recited the oath being recited by thousands of digital Q soldiers…
DOJ Produces More Evidence to Flynn’s Team – DOJ Memo Dated January 30, 2017 May Have Cleared General Mike Flynn
(Cristina Laila) Former FBI counterintel chief Peter Strzok and Special Agent Joe Pientka conducted an ambush-style interview of General Flynn on January 24, 2017 at the White House.
INJUSTICE EXPOSED: “They Always Do It Within 24 to 48 Hours” – Attorney Sidney Powell Says Judge Sullivan Refuses to Sign Circuit Court Mandate and End General Flynn Case After 2 Weeks (Video)
(Joe Hoft) Jan Jekielek at the Epoch Times held an exceptional interview with General Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell a week ago where Powell’s entire timeline in regards to the government’s sham case against General Flynn was discussed. This powerful interview is worth your time because it outlines the massive corruption surrounding the Flynn case that goes on to this day.
Urgent Message To America From General Michael Flynn
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele shares General Michael Flynn’s urgent message to America and the world in this 3 minute video. Robert calls for General Flynn to be placed at either the Director of the CIA or the National Security Advisor that he had before. Photo Credit: https://phibetaiota.net/2020/05/donate-direct-to-ltgen-michael-flynn-impoverished-and-betrayed-by-covington-law-firm-rescued-by-sidney-powell-but-needs-operating-funds-today/ Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why […]