(General Flynn) LTG Flynn reminisces about his early military years in Ft. Bragg, the legacy of Ft. Bragg, his plans as National Security Adviser to President Trump had he not been removed by an illegal government scheme, the support from Talk Radio (Limbaugh & Levin), the Ukrainian crisis & solution, his Letter to America in response to the thousands of letters sent to him, and his advice to the youth of America.
general flynn
General Flynn: Without Courage…We Stand to Lose Everything to Tyranny
(Michael T Flynn) What a remarkable time to be an American.
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URGENT ALERT: General Flynn Cautions American Truckers
URGENT ALERT: General Flynn Cautions American Truckers
General Michael Flynn Says Globalists Created COVID and “One of the Big Reasons Was to Steal an Election.”
(Joe Hoft) General Michael Flynn was on InfoWars and he discussed those behind COVID and the 2020 Election steal.
General Flynn Prepared To Fight After Judge Issues Ruling On Subpoena
(Carmine Sabia) A judge has weighed in on the request of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn on his request to stop the January 6 House Select Committee from subpoenaing his testimony and documents.
General Flynn Urges Pastors To Defend the Constitution From the Pulpit – Brighteon.TV
(Arsenio Toledo) Former National Security Advisor and retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn told host Pastor David Scarlett during the Oct. 29 episode of “HIS Glory” on Brighteon.TV that Christian pastors should not be afraid of using the pulpits in their congregations to defend the Constitution.
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PRICELESS: General Flynn Sings Classic Twisted Sister On Stage…”We’re not gonna take it anymore!” [Video]
(Leisa Audette) General Michael Flynn got on stage at AMPFest21 Gala and put on a priceless show singing the Twisted Sister classic.
‘Just the News’ Highlights Big Tech and Big Finance Cracking Down on The Gateway Pundit, General Flynn, and Alex Berenson in “Cancel Culture Purge”
(Joe Hoft) Last week The Gateway Pundit reported that Google canceled its ad network on our popular conservative website.
After Tormenting General Flynn with Judicial Acts Never Seen Before, Corrupt Judge Sullivan Now Is Persecuting Trump Supporters from Jan 6 Protest
(Joe Hoft) Judge Sullivan oversaw the government’s case against General Flynn and refused to dismiss the case after both the prosecutors and Flynn’s attorneys agreed to drop it. This same insane and corrupt judge is now torturing Trump Supporters arrested after the protest on January 6th.
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General Flynn: “Trump Won The Popular Vote AND He Won The Electoral College!”
(noah) Have you noticed that everyone surrounding President Trump is suddenly speaking with incredible boldness and certainty?
General Flynn Believes COVID Was A “Weaponized Operation” By China
(Steve Watson) “The people of this country are not going to stand for just continuing to go down this road of these falsehoods and these lies about the origins of COVID”
General Flynn: Americans Must “Revisit The Original Plan”
(vince) A recent op ed penned by the retired general insists that we need to revisit our roots and return to the original vision the founders had for America.
VIDEO: General Flynn Endorses Amanda Chase For Governor of Virginia
(Frankie Stockes) Gen. Michael Flynn endorsed Amanda Chase in a live video posted to her Facebook page.
General Flynn Warns About Possible Threats from Antifa/BLM Interrupting the Audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election Results
(Joe Hoft) General Michael Flynn warns that it is possible that Antifa and BLM will show up and attempt to stop or interrupt the scheduled audit in Maricopa County.
WATCH: The Latest Messages And Updates On General Flynn
(Vince) The retired general issued his latest warning on the crossroad The United States has come to, and outlines the choice we need to make as a people.