(Raheem J. Kassam) Britain’s first homosexual, Muslim Member of Parliament has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy.
Male Comedian Poses As Trans Swimmer in HILARIOUS Skit About Competing Against Women [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) JP Sears, a comedian and freedom fighter, made a hilarious video poking fun at trans athletes such as Lia Thomas who believe it is okay to compete against biological females.
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NASA to Put a Black Woman on the Moon Because “Science” Is Now All about Race and Gender, Even Though Leftists Say Gender Doesn’t Even Exist
(Ethan Huff) In 2025, NASA is planning on sending another space crew to the moon. However, the only people who will be allowed on the craft are black women and other “people of color” – white men need not apply, in other words.
Alan Dershowitz Shoots Down Biden’s Woke SCOTUS Pledge: ‘Race and Gender Should Never Play a Role’
(Jack Davis) Regardless of whom President Joe Biden nominates to the Supreme Court, the way he is going about it is all wrong, according to Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz.
Shocking Survey Shows Women Today Generally Support Censorship and Totalitarianism While Men Prefer Free Speech and Liberty
(Ethan Huff) The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Higher Education Research Institute conducted an experiment several years back which found that women are driving America’s continued decline into totalitarianism.
Legendary Comedian Dave Chappelle Enrages Leftists by Proclaiming ‘Gender Is a Fact’ in New Special
(Kipp Jones) Comedian Dave Chappelle has once again enraged supporters of the LGBT agenda, this time by proclaiming “gender is a fact” in his newly released standup special.
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Gender Inequality: Covid Vaccines Are Harming Boys More than Girls
(Ethan Huff) There appears to be systemic sexism built into the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” agenda, which is disproportionately harming boys more than girls.
Vax Woke: Can an Unvaccinated Person in America Simply “Self-identify” As a Vaccinated Person, Without Ever Risking a Deadly Covid Jab?
(S.D. Wells) What if you “personally identify” or “self-identify” as someone who has taken the Covid vaccine, but you haven’t, does that qualify as vaccinated? Why not? If anyone can now simply switch from being a man to a woman (by simply putting on some high heels and lipstick), then you can also switch from non-vaccinated to vaccinated by personally declaring it, since there’s no science behind either to make them so. The Leftists don’t believe in biology at all, so that means according to their logic you can simply “believe” you now have the biology of someone who got vaccinated for Covid.
Comedian Speaks Out After He Was Refused Gig For Being ‘White, Straight Able-bodied Male’
(Steve Watson) “Cack-handed attempts at social engineering don’t help anyone.”
Gay Man in Drag Tells LGBT Supporters: ‘Keep Your Kids Out of Drag Queen Shows’
(Paul Joseph Watson) A trending video shows a gay man in drag telling other supporters of the LGBT movement to keep their children away from drag queen shows and gay clubs.
Race, Gender, and Climate Change: The Left’s Holy Trinity
(Liam Brooks) I never thought I’d live to see the dystopian madness that’s currently plaguing our republic. We’re living in a nightmarish combination of Kafka’s The Trial, Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World, all rolled up into one tidy utopian package.
The Abolition of Gender
(Fay Voshell) At the height of the French Terror, Maximillian Robespierre recommended that in the name of equality all church steeples be demolished. The reason? They towered over other buildings and thus signified conflict with the principles of equality.
The Gender Non-Reveal: How Gender-Neutral Parenting Harms Kids
(Danielle Greene) The newest generation, the children of Millennials, has been dubbed Generation Alpha — and they’re coming up fast. What ideas are they bringing with them? For starters, they are “estimated to be the most gender-fluid and anti-sexist generation yet,” according to gender studies professor Dr. Kyl Myers.
CNN Claims There’s No Way to Determine Gender at Birth in Bias-Filled Report on Trans Athletics
(Samantha Chang) A CNN reporter made the bizarre, unscientific claim that an individual’s gender cannot be identified at birth in a story slamming South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem for her executive orders on transgender athletes.
Prominent Colorado Christian Baker Sued Again, This Time for Refusing to Make Gender ‘Transition’ Cake
(The Federalist Papers) Jack Phillips is back in court, and every American has a stake in the outcome.