(Ben Bartee) “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” ― George Orwell, 1984
Naomi Wolf: ‘Vaccine Passports’ Are the ‘End of Human Liberty in the West’
(Humans Are Free) The Left would like to dismiss Naomi Wolf as a heretic and conspiracy theorist now that she disagrees with their anti-liberty responses to coronavirus, but her warning about President Biden’s threatened “vaccine passports” should be heeded.
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“Dr. Fauci and Birx and All of These People that Frankly Made Nothing But Mistakes” – President Trump on the Doctors Who Used COVID-19 to Destroy Freedom
(Joe Hoft) President Trump last night discussed the two doctors who encouraged him to shut down the government rather than use a risk-based approach to the China coronavirus. His comments were in an interview with Maria Bartiromo.
“Texit” Begins! State Lawmaker Files Legislation to Allow Residents to Decide If They Want to Leave the U.S. As Biden’s Marxists Take Over
(JD Heyes) When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Democrat activists in blue states like California threatened to secede but never really did much more than that — make threats.
Situation Update, Jan 26th – Trump Makes Moves Toward Parallel Presidency as Biden Agenda Blockaded
(Mike Adams) The resistance to the corrupt Biden agenda is gaining steam and it’s now clear that numerous elements of the political machine are lining up to block Biden’s actions.
Situation Update, Jan 21, 2021 – The Astonishing Case for Optimism and Faith
(Mike Adams) After the staged, theatrical Biden inauguration yesterday that carries no legitimate legal standing whatsoever, people lost their minds as they fell for the spell of the fake news media that broadcast the Big Lie, in Hunger Games style.
Watch Company Pushes Back Against Censorship And Lockdowns With Stirring Ad About Freedom
(Frank Camp) On Friday, a watch company released a video promoting the American ideal of freedom. Egard Watches has generated buzz twice before with its videos — one in response to Gillette’s ad regarding “toxic masculinity” and another defending police officers during the height of the “Defund the Police” movement.
Trump Did Not Concede… Lin Wood Explains “Many Traitors” to Be Arrested Shortly… Final List of Confirmed Traitors Acquired Last Night During Congressional Vote
(Mike Adams) Following yesterday’s false flag “storming” of the Capitol Building — staged by left-wing Antifa / BLM instigators who dressed up as MAGA supporters — we witnessed the final act of betrayal against our constitutional republic as members of Congress flipped against truth and voted to accept the fraudulent Biden electors, making Joe Biden the “president-elect.”
MUST WATCH: Epic Anti-mask Flash Mob Takes over CVS Shouting ‘FREEDOM’
(Staff Writer) An anti-mask flash mob took over a CVS Pharmacy, after a woman says she was attacked by management for refusing to wear one.
Situation Update Dec. 25th – Americans Prepare for January WAR
(Mike Adams) Merry Christmas to all our readers and supporters. This is no ordinary Christmas, as you well know. This Christmas, Americans are preparing for a January war.
“This Election Is the Climax of the Battle Between Freedom and Communism, Between Good and Evil” – Lin Wood Claims President Trump Is Going to Clean Things Up
(Joe Hoft) Be not afraid – President Trump is going to clean things up.
Lockdowns Are Based On Fraud: Open Letter To People Who Want Freedom
(Jon Rappoport) This article is arranged so you see the fraud in more detail as you read further.
There’s A Lot to Be Hopeful About, Don’t Despair
(Justin Deschamps) I think we have a great deal to be hopeful for, even happy about.
SILENCED: We Live in a Time When Our “Opinions Qualify as Crimes”
(Daisy Luther) Currently, we’re living in an upside-down and backward world where the minority of people hold all the microphones, successfully shouting over a potential majority of people who don’t like the way things are going.
Fact Check: America Was Founded on FREEDOM, Not Slavery (Video)
Fact Check: America Was Founded on FREEDOM, Not Slavery (Video)