(Natalia Mittelstadt) “Bitcoin is a tool for freedom, for development, for folks like us, who are suffering from dictators, from tyrannical leaders,” Fadi Elsalameen says.
Canadian Bank Apologizes to Freedom Convoy Protest Participant For Freezing His Account
(Paul Joseph Watson) A Canadian bank has apologized to a man who participated in the Freedom Convoy protest for freezing his account at the behest of Justin Trudeau’s government.
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Senator Demands Biden Scrap Creepy ‘Disinformation’ Unit; “Dissolve This Monstrosity Immediately”
(News Editors) Following news that The Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘disinformation governance board’ will be headed by a woman who says free speech makes her ‘shudder’ and who falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story disinformation, Republicans called for the body to be scrapped, labelling it a ‘monstrosity’.
Tim Allen Celebrates Twitter Freedom With 3 Words Twitter Hated Until Yesterday: Hunter Biden Laptop
(Mike Landry) Hunter. Biden. Laptop.
Charles Lieber’s Legal Escapades & Freedom Of The Mind
(Maryam Henein) While all eyes have been on Ukraine and Russia, Charles Lieber, who I refer to as The NanoTech King, has asked for a new trial. Charlie was initially accused of being a spy for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but in the end, the courts found that the former Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department was only guilty on six counts related to tax evasion.
Responsible Freedom
(Julian Rose) The chaos we see around us every day is not arbitrary chaos. It is organized chaos.
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Austria Reinstates Mask and Vaccine Mandates Two Weeks After Lifting Them
(Cullen McCue) Austria was one of the only countries to introduce compulsory vaccination.
US People’s Convoy Was a ‘Gigantic Display of Freedom’ Despite Media Ignoring It
(Joseph Farah) I had a dream, a nightmare, that a righteous cause would be subverted, undermined, made to look foolish by forces of the Swamp as the breathtaking truckers caravan arrived in the D.C. area last weekend.
Freedom Med CEO Kevin Jenkins: We Are Creating Freedom Med To ‘Break Away From Tyrannical Medical System,’ ‘Build A New World Where Healthcare And Human Life Are Valued’
(Alicia Powe) The vast majority of COVID-19 related deaths occur in hospitals. But they’re not dying from the disease.
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What We Can Learn from The Canadian Freedom Convoy
(Bryan Lynch) The Earth may be a perfect place, but our world, the world people have created for themselves on this beautiful celestial body, is far from that.
Dystopia Disguised as Democracy: All the Ways in Which Freedom Is an Illusion
(John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead) “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”—Frank Zappa
No More Forced Masks: Ireland to Dump Almost All Remaining COVID Rules
(Peter Caddle) A return to normality is on the cards for Ireland, as the authorities announce that almost all lockdown rules will be eased on Monday.
Video: Biden Declares “Personal Freedom” Comes Second To COVID Mandates
(Steve Watson) “Think of the children.”
The Mandates Are Leaving Europe. Is Freedom Winning?
(Joanna Miller) Joy reigned in my house this past week as one child’s school lifted its mask mandates. At the same time, frustration ensued when another child was uninvited to an event due to her jab status. My little neck of the country can’t seem to decide if it’s going to ditch restrictions or double down. Situational awareness is vital to prepping, and yet it’s hard to tell what’s going on.
Workers of the World Unite, and the Left Hates It
(Jarrett Stepman) The workers are uniting against government mandates and the left now calls it fascism. What began as a GoFundMe campaign for Canadian truckers who lost their jobs due to COVID-19 mandates for cross-border travel turned into a massive “Freedom Convoy” that drove across Canada and into the capital, Ottawa.