(Vigilant Citizen) Why are there so many pictures of celebrities hiding one eye? It is definitely not random. In fact, the One-Eye sign has a profound meaning and proves an important fact about the powers that be. This article looks at the origins and the meaning of the unescapable One-Eye sign. Related Sigil Magic: How to […]
Free Masons
Illuminati Insider | Therapists Speak Out on Ritual Abuse
(Svali) Several months ago, I sent a questionnaire out to the professional community to find out the opinions of therapists who work with ritual abuse. I contacted the ISSD as well as several therapists whom I had heard of in the field. Why? Because I wanted a chance for the dedicated professionals who work in this field to have a chance to speak out, and I was also interested in their opinions.
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Royal Ritual: Watch Freemasons Boast About Their Influence
(Vigilant Citizen) This video of the Royal Ritual in London shows high-level Freemasons bragging about their heavy influence in all spheres of society … in an extremely symbolic setting. Related Top Ten Masonic Movies and References to Freemasonry Secrets in Films: Part One and Two by Duncan Burden Source – Vigilant Citizen by Staff Writer, August 27th, […]
Origins and History of the Fez — Occult Secrets Revealed
(Robert Sepehr) Although named after a city in Morocco, where they were mass produced during the Christian era, the Fez hat predates Christianity. The fez, or tarboosh, is a felt headdress first introduced into Europe and the West by the Cretans and has been worn by various Abrahamic priesthoods for millennia, as well as newly emancipated slaves since the time of Ancient Rome. Also called the The red liberty cap, it was was an integral part of American culture and symbology in the 19th century and is seen in many places in the United States Capitol.
Secrets of the U.S. Great Seal: The Royal Phoenix Rises from the Ashes
(Moe) On the 4th of July, 1776, immediately after the declaration of independence, the “Continental Congress” appointed Freemasons Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and a mysterious man from Geneva Spain with a French name, Pierre Du Simitiere as artist and consultant to a committee to prepare a device for a Great Seal of the United States.
The Global Power Hierarchy: 3-City States Control the World
(Peter B. Meyer) Many may think they are pretty well informed about all of the main players in the Deep State “conspiracy” playing field, regarding the various elements of society that control our world from behind the scenes. But the organisational structure consisting of eight layers is far more complicated, than often is known.
We Are Surrounded by Masonic Symbols―How Modern Logos Are Linked To Secret Societies
(Ancient Code) In the modern world, we are surrounded by countless logos, symbols, and graphs that make up our everyday life.
Top Ten Masonic Movies and References to Freemasonry Secrets in Films: Part One and Two by Duncan Burden
(Duncan Burden) There have been several masonic movies that draw their plots directly by referencing Freemasonry, such as the comedy ‘Are You a Mason?’ in 1915 and remade in 1934, and Johnny Depp’s horror-thriller ‘From Hell’ in 2001 which shows the conspiracy elements linking Victorian English Freemasons involved with the notorious Jack the Ripper.
The God of Freemasonry Exposed
(Makia Freeman) Centuries of leaked documents, former insider accounts and scholarly research has shown that Freemasonry has become the most pervasive, influential and powerful of all the Secret Societies on Earth. Many US Founding Fathers were masons. Many leading figures of the French Revolution were masons. Many US presidents have been masons. Freemasonry inspired Mormonism and […]
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A 33rd Degree Free Mason’s Important Message for Humanity (Video)
(Arjun Walia) “From the beginning of time, free masonry has been punished for its love of truth, and out if its punishment came the United States. We were founded by Masonic pressures, we were founded by Masons, we were founded by some of the best minds of our time. . . . We were founded by […]
Earth’s Transition Into The Age of Aquarius – According To Carl Jung & A 33rd Degree Free Mason (video)
(Arjun Walia) Astrology is an ancient art and science dating back thousands of years. It appears in many cultures, but as with most ancient wisdom, much of it was and has been concealed and forbidden from public viewing. Secret societies, both those whose hearts are grounded in the good will for all of humanity, and those […]
The New Atlantis: Master Plan of The Ages — Occult History of the Past 500 Years: Magic, Ancient Weather Manipulation, NWO, Jesuits, and more
Illuminism, Freemasonry and the Great White Brotherhood The New Atlantis rises … and then falls, after being halted by the epochal wars of the Kali Yuga and Iron Age conflicts. Related The New Atlantis | Secret Mysteries of Americas Beginnings & Connections to Atlantis Source – State of the Nation TMR Editor’s Note: Edgar Cayce was […]
The History of Freemasonry and the Illuminati
(Peter Farley) The Illuminati “Popular history texts and encyclopedias generally paint the Illuminati as having its origins in 1776 Bavaria. However, the origins go back much further. The Illuminati are tied directly through masonry to the sun and Isis cults of ancient Egypt. Related Dutch Elite Banker Blows the Whistle on the Illuminati Banking System […]
The Merovingian Bloodline: One of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines that Rule the World
(Fritz Springmeier) In my writings this bloodline has been interwoven into the text of many articles, but it hasn’t been singled out very much. Although a great deal has been mitten by this author on this final family, to pull out articles which concentrate on it solely is difficult. After assembling some pages on it, […]
The Astor Bloodline: One of the Satanic (Illuminati) Bloodlines that Rule the World
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Update: The following text was edited for typos and errors so as to ensure maximum reception. Please share this information far and wide. (Fritz Springmeier) The Astor family represent some of the wealthiest people in recent history, with their name stretching back to the 1720s. Their power and wealth are reflected […]