(Civis Americanus) The express purpose of the Arab League’s Resolution 1547 was to weaponize displaced Palestinian Arabs against Israel. This is incontrovertible and damning evidence that every single organization and business that is involved in the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement is at best a stooge and enabler, if not a willful participant, in an international fraud that abuses the trust of the entire international community to support the agenda of terrorists.
Over $160 BILLION in COVID Unemployment Benefits Likely Lost to Fraud
(Joe Hoft) Over $160 billion in unemployment benefits were likely lost of COVID money managed by the US government.
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Black Lives Matter Secretly Bought Luxury Mansion with $6 Million in Donations
(Breccan F. Thies) Black Lives Matter leadership allegedly purchased a $6 million luxury mansion with cash in Southern California using donation money, according to a report from New York Magazine.
Attorney Presents Evidence to Congress That COVID-19 Vaccines Are One of the Greatest Frauds in History
(Cassie B.) Attorney Thomas Renz, who publicized data from the Department of Defense showing a significant rise in serious illness and injury in military personnel following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, has issued a special legal notice with nearly 200 pages of supporting evidence.
No Integrity: “60 Minutes” Commits Journalism Fraud in Dishonest Exposé on Wisconsin Election Fraud Investigation
(Jim Hoft) CBS “60 Minutes” aired a segment Sunday night about the Wisconsin 2020 election. Within seconds it becomes clear that reporter Bill Whitaker had been assigned one goal: Discredit the recent election investigation by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) conducted by former WI Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman.
EXCLUSIVE: THE BIDENS’ UKRAINIAN BLOOD MONEY – What the U.S. Government and Mainstream Media Hid from the Public
(Joe Hoft) Forensic Deep Dive into the Bidens’ Ukrainian Blood Money. What the U.S. alphabet agencies and Mainstream Media hid from the public.
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Former Blackrock Executive Says Big Pharma’s Liability Shields Could Be at Risk If Fraud Is Discovered
(Ethan Huff) Edward Dowd means business. The former Blackrock executive and hedge fund guru has said that if Pfizer and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refuse to release all data on Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” clinical trials, then he will assume that fraud occurred.
BREAKING: Arizona Senate Committee Passes SEVEN Election Integrity Bills – Including Ballot Fraud Countermeasures, Ballot Images Will Be Public Records
(Jordan Conradson) Seven critical election integrity bills were passed by Republicans on the Arizona Senate Government Committee Monday.
Loose SBA Controls Facilitate Massive Fraud in COVID Relief Lending: IG Report
(Mary Lou Lang) Small Business Administration was charged with overseeing the Paycheck Protection Program, which was intended to help businesses shuttered during the pandemic to retain employees.
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Arizona Lawmaker Suggests 2020 Election Fraud Investigators May Have Found Racketeering Evidence Spanning Several States
(JD Heyes) Any sane, rational, thinking person knows without a shadow of a doubt that Joe Biden did not get 81 million votes and did not ‘win’ the 2020 presidential election against Donald Trump, an incumbent president who inspired spontaneous car and boat parades and rallies and whose campaign venues were so jam-packed that organizers had to expand facilities and add jumbotrons for the thousands who could not get inside to see him.
MUST SEE VIDEO: Bernard Kerik Warns Leftists on J-6 Committee He Has OVERWHELMING Evidence of Fraud in 2020 Election – “I Think the American People Should Get to See That”
(Jim Hoft) Bernard Kerik joined Carl Higbie on Greg Kelly Reports on Wednesday night. This was after the J-6 Committee subpoenaed him to testify before their sham investigation.
THIS IS SO GOOD: Dr. Linda Lee Tarver: “I Know There Was Fraud – This Administration is Wicked. They Have Left People to Die – The Election Should Be Decertified” (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Dr. Linda Lee Tarver is a former Michigan Civil rights commissioner, Community affairs Director and Election Integrity Liason.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai: 6,545 Mail-In Ballots With No Envelope, 2,580 Bad Signatures, 1,919 Mail-In Ballots With No Signature, Same Person With Two Voter IDs
(Jordan Conradson) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of the email, held an open forum to discuss ballot anomalies found in the full forensic 2020 election audit of Maricopa County.
GOP Fundraising Text: You’re A ‘Traitor’ And ‘Deserter’ Who Must ‘Prove Your Loyalty’ To Trump By Sending Cash To NRCC
(Gabriel Keane) “Your Trump patriot Status is INCOMPLETE. We’re worried you’ve abandoned Trump. CHECK this box to CONFIRM your Trump Patriot Status and prove you’re a TRUE PATRIOT.”
President Trump Releases Three Statements Regarding the 2020 Election and the Fraud That Ensued
(Joe Hoft) President Trump released three more statements today related to the 2020 Election, the related fraud, and the audits that need to be held to bring integrity back to our elections.