(News Editors) BEWARE: There are many so-called ‘conservative’ sites, like the one shown below, that are popping up all over the place, as they have since Donald Trump’s 2016 election. All of these ridiculously fake news websites, in the aggregate, have served to profoundly undermine the credibility and integrity of the Patriot Movement and much larger Truth Movement.
flat earth
10 Unbeatable Challenges For Flat Earthers that Prove the Earth is a Globe (Video)
10 Unbeatable Challenges For Flat Earthers that Prove the Earth is a Globe (Video)
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The Infiltration of the Truth Movement — Why Should We Ask This Question?
(Justin Deschamps) Has the truth movement been infiltrated? That is the question explored in the following. In general, the question drew us toward the truth, in all respects, not the rigid answers that have been accepted and pushed blindly by the masses. Likely, if you are reading these words, you are a truth rebel, you dare to question the status quo. Shining our light into all the darkness, even within ourselves, is the hardest task, but one with the greatest potential for making ourselves and the world a better place. Shall we begin?
Renowned Scientist Explains How The Earth Is Not A Sphere – But It’s Not Flat Either
(Arjun Walia) What a time to be alive, isn’t it? Over the past few years, the birth of social media gave way to an explosion of information. Sure, some of it may be fake, but a lot of this ‘fake news’ narrative was created by the government and corporations in order to attack several alternative media websites. The ‘fake news’ problem cannot be solved by more censorship, it can only be solved through more information.
1984: YouTube Will Demote Conspiracy Videos In Its Recommendation Algorithm — A Scary Prospect For Freedom Of Thought
(Aaron Kesel) YouTube said Friday it will stop recommending conspiracy videos such as those claiming the Earth is flat, or promoting alternative theories about the September 11, 2001 attacks.
This Timelapse Video In Antarctica is All You Need to Shut Down Any Flat-Earth Argument
(David Cohen) A couple years ago it was reported by film maker Anthony Powell that there is one easy, objectively provable way to debunk the flat Earth theory. It is the fact that both the North and South poles experience a phenomena in which the Sun either stays in the sky or stays out of the sky in straight light or darkness for long periods of time.
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The Flat Earth Society Has Members All Across The Globe (Video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5WkbucPT4g&feature=youtu.be Related – Flat Earth Theory Exploding in Popularity — Is the Earth Flat and Not Round? The Answer Can Be Found in the Human Body Related – Flat Earth and AstroTurf: An In-Depth Examination of the Line Between Information and Disinformation _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error […]
Flat Earth and AstroTurf: An In-Depth Examination of the Line Between Information and Disinformation
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Shem from Discerning The Mystery wrote this article last year. After reading it, I was immediately compelled by the insightfulness and clarity of his commentary. Since that time he has created his own website, featuring more of his commentary and analysis. The following is an exploration of the psychological reasons […]
Flat Earth Theory Exploding in Popularity — Is the Earth Flat and Not Round? The Answer Can Be Found in the Human Body
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is a brief discussion about the controversial topic of Flat Earth. According to Google Trends, google searches for Flat Earth have skyrocketed in 2016, possibly due to a somewhat popular rapper named B.O.B. who tweeted about the issue earlier this year. While I remain open minded about all […]
Discernment Exercise | 7 Images From History That Most Have Pictured Incorrectly
Here’s a fun article that helps remind us personal verification of a belief is essential. All too often we accept ideas from the media, government and our peers at their face value, usually due to social pressure, because ‘everyone else says it is true.’ But when we investigate something ourselves, we’re sometimes surprised at what […]