(Jim Hoft) On Tuesday night John Solomon went on with Actionable Intelligence to discuss his breaking report on Just the News.
fisa court
BREAKING: Durham Probe: Ex-FBI Lawyer to Plead Guilty in First Criminal Case Arising from Review, Sources Say
(Brooke Singman and Bill Mears) Clinesmith was referred for potential prosecution by the Justice Department’s inspector general’s office.
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Underground Newswire Weekly Report (March 29th-April 4th): FISA, Seth Rich, Bill Gates
(Ryan DeLarme) There’s a lot of buzz coming out on the FISA court right now, including errors, abuse, and omitting certain facts to get the outcome they want, to stir up bogus charges to use against anyone in opposition to the DC Cabal’s agendas. Now of course the media and career politicians claim they “followed the rules to a T”, many of us know that this is not the case but now it will be revealed to show the people who care to see how the FISA courts have been used to further criminal and treasonous enterprises.
FISA Court Refuses Review Of FBI Deception
(Technofog) This week, Presiding Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) Judge Rosemary Collyer, released two stern Orders taking the FBI to task for its repeated failures, omissions, and misrepresentations in its application and subsequent renewals to surveil Carter Page.