(Christine Favocci) The transgender movement has clearly gone too far when even a man in a dress can see how ridiculous it is.
MUST SEE: Italians Light Up The Sky With EPIC Storm of Fireworks In Defiance of Mayor’s Ban – Happy New Year, Worldwide Resistance
(Julian Conradson) Fed-up residents of Naples, Italy joined together to form an epic display of civil disobedience to celebrate the turning of the New Year when they simultaneously began firing off what looked like thousands of fireworks in direct defiance of the Mayor’s ban on the New Years eve staple.
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War Room Witness: Demonic Antifa Was Hurling Stun Grenades, Fireworks, Rotten Eggs at Christian Women, Children, Babies in Portland Park (Video)
(Jim Hoft) Antifa terrorists attacked a Christian prayer gathering in Portland Park on Saturday.
National Geographic Says 4th of July Fireworks Are Racist Because Smoke Disproportionately Affects Black People
(Jim Hoft) National Geographic posted an unhinged and unscientific tweet on Independence Day saying fireworks are racist because they affect communities of color.
4th of July Warning – BLM and Crips Gang Members Stocking Up on Lethal Fireworks that Simulate Gun Fire
(Joe Hoft) Last weekend members of BLM and the Crips gang colluded in assaulting a group of Christians who prayed at the statue of St. Louis in Forest Park in St. Louis. We have evidence the same criminals who assaulted individuals at the prayer event have purchased over 300 pounds of fireworks which simulate gun fire.
Mystery Fireworks Are Being Reported Late at Night in Cities Across the U.S. and Nobody Seems to Know Why
(Strange Sounds) Usually it’s just the week before july 4th… But yeah there’s lots of them weeks earlier than normal…