(Zero Hedge) Yesterday, in a lengthy article referencing the ongoing dollar and funding liquidity collapse as a result of the aggressive rebuild of the Treasury’s cash balance from $133BN to $350BN in the aftermath of the debt ceiling deal, we said “Forget China, The Fed Has A Much Bigger Problem On Its Hands.”
Hard-Working Americans Sure Do See The Economy A Lot Differently Than The “Experts”
(Zero Hedge) Right now the entire nation is buzzing about the very first debates for Democratic presidential contenders in 2019, and much of the focus of those debates should be on the economy. A total of 20 candidates will participate in those debates, and the vast majority of them don’t have a prayer of actually winning the nomination. Of course all of them will have “plans” for “fixing” the economy, but the truth is that most of those plans really aren’t that radically different from what has been tried in the past.
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Deep State Crypto: Facebook Introduces New “Libra” Digital Currency With Landmark White Paper
(Zero-hedge) After weeks of anticipation, the day has finally arrived: In a dramatic push into uncharted waters for the social media behemoth that saw Mark Zuckerberg make overtures to his former arch-nemises (the Winklevii), Facebook has finally published the white paper for its long-awaited stablecoin, “Libra”.
The Federal Reserve’s Controlled Demolition Of The Economy Is Almost Complete
(Brandon Smith) The Federal Reserve is an often misunderstood entity, not only in the mainstream, but also in alternative economic circles. There is this ever pervasive fantasy on both sides of the divide that the central bank actually “cares” about forever protecting the US economy, or at least propping up the US economy in an endless game of “kick the can”. While this might be true at times, it is not true ALL the time. Things change, agendas change, and sometimes the Fed’s goal is not to maintain the economy, but to destroy it.
Wall Street Red Flag: An Indicator That Has Predicted Every Recession In The Last 50 Years Just Got Triggered
(Michael Snyder) If the bond market is correct, the U.S. economy is definitely heading into a recession. Over the past 50 years, there have been six previous occasions when the yield on three-month Treasury bonds has risen above the yield on ten-year Treasury bonds, and in each of those instances a recession has followed.
Just Before The Great Recession, Mountains Of Unsold Goods Piled Up In U.S. Warehouses – And Now It Is Happening Again
(Michael Snyder) When economic conditions initially begin to slow down, businesses continue to order goods like they normally would but those goods don’t sell as quickly as they previously did. As a result, inventory levels begin to rise, and that is precisely what is happening right now.
5 Legal Strategies To Reduce Your Tax Burden
(Nicholas West) While people feel compelled to continue debating the government shutdown, the reality remains that tax collection is expected to continue uninterrupted. The old maxim that the two great inescapable realities are death and taxes should come as an affront to the liberty-minded, however. The mandatory payment of taxes is as unnatural as death is natural, and is a human construct that is a historically recent phenomenon.
How The Federal Reserve Quietly Bankrupted The US Pension System
(Stephanie Pomboy) Actions have consequences. Even for the Fed.
Is The Federal Reserve Actually TRYING To Cause A Stock Market Crash?
(Michael Snyder) The Federal Reserve has decided not to come to the rescue this time.
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These Countries Are Quickly and Quietly Dumping the Dollar
(Robert Wheeler) Over the past few months, there has been a steady uptick in the number of countries dumping significant portions of their dollar holdings. This is causing many people to worry whether or not the US economy is in for a massive shock sooner, later, or somewhere in between.
SWIFT and the Weaponization of the U.S. Dollar
(Michael Maharrey) The Trump administration dropped 44,000 bombs in its first year, a faster bombing pace than President Obama, who bombed more than President Bush. America has intervened militarily in other countries for decades against the council of founders like George Washington, who advised that America should “observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all.”
Why Are So Many People Talking About The Potential For A Stock Market Crash In October?
(Michael Snyder) It is that time of the year again. Every year, people start talking about a possible stock market crash in October, because everyone remembers the historic crashes that took place in October 1987 and October 2008. Could we witness a similar stock market crash in October 2018?
Evidence The Housing Bubble Is Bursting?: “Home Sellers Are Slashing Prices At The Highest Rate In At Least Eight Years”
(Michael Synder) The housing market indicated that a crisis was coming in 2008. Is the same thing happening once again in 2018? For several years, the housing market has been one of the bright spots for the U.S. economy. Home prices, especially in the hottest markets on the East and West Coasts, had been soaring. But now that has completely changed, and home sellers are cutting prices at a pace that we have not seen since the last recession. In case you are wondering, this is definitely a major red flag for the economy. According to CNBC, home sellers are “slashing prices at the highest rate in at least eight years”…
Major Currencies All Over The World Are In “Complete Meltdown” As The $63 Trillion EM Debt Bubble Implodes
(Michael Synder) The wait for the next global financial crisis is over. Major currencies all over the planet are in a “death spiral”, many global stock markets are crashing, and economic activity is beginning to decline at a stunning rate in quite a few nations. Over the past 16 years, the emerging market debt bubble has grown from 9 trillion dollars to 63 trillion dollars. Yes, you read that correctly.