(Rick McDowell) Frank Herbert wrote in Dune, “Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death…” Indeed, fear is the more dangerous virus infecting us.
Reverse the Brainwashing: How to End America’s Addiction to Fear
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) Dr. Mark McDonald is a psychiatrist in the Los Angeles, California, area. He’s written a book called “United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to Mass Delusional Psychosis,” which is the topic of today’s discussion. Around April 2020, McDonald actually made the brave decision to “fire” patients who refused to accept his stand on certain realities and truths.
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Fear-based Pandemic Goal: Create “Novel” Viruses, Then Reduce World’s Population by Several Billion by Scaring Everyone into Taking Deadly Vaccines
(S.D. Wells) “The Covid-19 virus was an animal virus that was manipulated by human beings to become infectious to human beings, and then its lethality was augmented for it to be more destructive to human lung tissue,” Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Md. informs us all. Well, not too many people know this (plus YouTube deleted it forever), but Bill Gates proclaimed in 2010, at one of those global elitist TED talks, that the world’s population needs to be reduced by a few billion people, and in the next sentence said that can be done if we do a “really great job on new vaccines,” so what exactly did he mean?
Uk Science Advisory Committee REGRETS Using Fear to Control People, Admit They Used “Unethical” and “Totalitarian” Methods
(Lance D Johnson) In March of 2020, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior instructed government officials across Europe to instill fear in the population and increase “the perceived level of personal threat.” As countries prepared to lock down, the science committee told government ministers “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently [and] personally threatened” by covid-19. In order for the controlling lockdowns to work, the committee instructed government officials to use fear to their advantage.
Fertility Warning: 34 Cases of Spontaneous Miscarriage and Stillbirth Reported after Experimental Mrna Vaccines
(Lance D Johnson) In the rush to vaccinate every man, woman and child against a year-old coronavirus strain, sacrifices are being made. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is now reporting thirty-four cases of miscarriage and stillbirth associated with the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations. The initial guidelines warn pregnant women not to partake in these real-world vaccine trials, but the experiment is taking place regardless, as healthcare workers are pressured to take the shots, pregnant or not.
Situation Update, Jan 21, 2021 – The Astonishing Case for Optimism and Faith
(Mike Adams) After the staged, theatrical Biden inauguration yesterday that carries no legitimate legal standing whatsoever, people lost their minds as they fell for the spell of the fake news media that broadcast the Big Lie, in Hunger Games style.
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How Does the Brain Process Fear?
(Neuroscience News) When a frightful creature startles you, your brain may activate its fear-processing circuitry, sending your heart racing to help you escape the threat. It’s also the job of the brain’s fear-processing circuits to help you learn from experience to recognize which situations are truly dangerous and to respond appropriately–so if the scare comes from a costumed goblin, you’ll probably recover quickly.
No, You Don’t Need to Worry About Bubonic Plague
(Justin Deschamps) From the producers of COVID-19 fearmongering (mainstream media) comes the latest health scare, bubonic plague!
Dr. Bruce Lipton Explains How Fear Is the Most Dangerous Part of COVID-19
(Prepare For Change) One of the strongest examples of duality of our time is the belief that there I a disconnect between science and duality.
The Science of Fear: How the Elitists Use it to Control Us & How to Break Free
(Mac Slavo) Fear is one of the most powerful tools the elites have at their disposal. Using the mainstream media, politicians and others who want world domination can inject fear into the public at the drop of a hat, making them easy to manipulate and control.
Fear is the Mind Killer (Video)
This is a video post. See the video below. Related High “Heart Coherence” Caused An “Increased Order” In Crystallization Patterns of Human Saliva Book Goal Setting: Fire Starter Goal Setting Techniques! – Rapid Goal Achievement Strategies Using Visualization, Meditation, NLP Techniques, Willpower, Creativity, … Positivity, Meditation, Morning Ritual) Book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience […]
Fear Is a Contagion of Its Own (Video)
Fear Is a Contagion of Its Own (Video)
The Consequences of Not Facing Emotional Difficulty Head On
(Linda Sapadin, Ph.D) A number of celebrities have come out of the closet confessing to some nasty behavior. And I’m not talking about coming out of the closet because you’re gay. That’s old hat already. It’s because of bullying behavior, non-consensual sexual behavior, rageful behavior when you don’t get what you want!
If Fear Can Be Learned, Can It Be Unlearned?
(Edie Weinstein) Today, while sitting in a service at an interfaith community which I have been attending since 2001, I heard a message that seemed custom made for me. Randi Suskin, who is a life coach was the speaker, spoke about Living A Guided Life. I have long believed that the path on which we tread is strewn with markers and roadway signs that tell us, “go this way, avoid that way,” sometimes providing unexpected twists and turns that flabbergast us and have us scratching our heads, asking, “Who thought this one up?” What I have come to learn was that I do and so do you.
How Our Dreams Prepare Us to Face Our Fears
(Science Daily) Do bad dreams serve a real purpose? To answer this question, researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG), Switzerland, — working in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin (USA) — analysed the dreams of a number of people and identified which areas of the brain were activated when they experienced fear in their dreams. They found that once the individuals woke up, the brain areas responsible for controlling emotions responded to fear-inducing situations much more effectively. These results, which are published in the journal Human Brain Mapping, demonstrate that dreams help us react better to frightening situations, thereby paving the way for new dream-based therapeutic methods for combating anxiety.