(Mike Adams) As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, so-called “Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds” are distributed to states which then deposit those funds into the bank accounts of counties and cities.
Half of America Gearing up to Wage Legal War Against Biden Over Unconstitutional Covid Vaccine Mandates
(Ethan Huff) At least 24 states, or roughly half of the country, is planning to unleash hell against the Biden regime over its unconstitutional Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates.
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Confirmed: Gov. Inslee Setting up Covid Concentration Camps in Washington State, Issuing Job Listings for “Strike Team” Coordinators
(Ethan Huff) A Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “isolation and quarantine” facility has been set up by Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington state. And Inslee is now looking to hire people for the “strike team” that will run it.
Liberal Lunacy on ‘Fascism’ Brutally Summed Up With One Cartoon
(Steve Straub) A group of Christians who gathered for a prayer and worship time along the waterfront in Portland, Oregon were attacked by Antifa thugs spraying chemicals, destroying equipment and throwing things at the crowd.
Lockdown Nazi Vindicates Conspiracy Theorists – Casually Utters Dreaded Three Words They’ve Been Shouting From The Rooftops [VIDEO]
(B.K. House) Just when you think it can’t get any worse, Australia assures us that yes, indeed it can.
Study: Covid “Vaccine” Spike Proteins Damage Heart Cells, Alter Heart Function… And They’re in the Booster Shots, Too
(Ethan Huff) A new study brings further clarity as to the effects of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” spike proteins on the human cardiovascular system.
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Reuters Is Now Functioning As the Public Relations Arm for Antifa, All While Attacking and Defaming Heroic U.S. Doctors Who Tell the Truth About Vaccines and Ivermectin
(Ethan Huff) The fake news cesspool known as Reuters published a bizarre piece the other day glorifying the rag-tag bunch of pasty-white domestic terrorists known as Antifa (“antifascists”) for their “militant activism” against the “extremist right” in America. At the very same time, Reuters continues to attack and vilify doctors who prescribe healing ivermectin rather than “vaccines” to their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients.
ACLU Abandons Its Own Founding Principles, Claims Forcing Experimental Medical Injections Into People Somehow Supports “Civil Liberties”
(Ethan Huff) American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) staffers David Cole and Daniel Mach have penned an opinion piece for The New York Times that claims Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates are a major victory for “civil liberties.”
Door-to-door Medical Kidnappings Begin in Australia As Covid Fascism Escalates
(Ethan Huff) An Australian man clearly in good health was abducted from his home by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) first responders and taken away to a quarantine camp after testing “positive” for the Chinese Virus.
Governments Are Running a Real-life, Nationwide Stanford Prison Experiment by Granting Vaccinated People Special Rights and Privileges While Treating the Unvaccinated like Prisoners
(Ethan Huff) The continued encroachment of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) no jab, no (fill in the blank) policies is devastating the social fabric of not just the United States but every country that is participating in this grand experiment in medical fascism.
Covid Vaccine Passports Are a Form of “Modern Day Segregation,” Warns Dr. Drew
(Ethan Huff) Dr. David Drew Pinsky, better known as “Dr. Drew,” is speaking out against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine passports,” calling the idea a form of “modern day segregation.
Blatant Tyranny: Biden Administration Now Mandating What Content to Censor from the Internet
(Ramon Tomey) The Biden administration recently admitted that it is working with Big Tech to censor and remove so-called “problematic content.
The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine
(Jim Hoft) Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Poll Finds Almost HALF Of Americans Want Vaccine Passports
(Steve Watson) “So 44% of America has bought into tyrannical fascism. Got it.”
Democrats are Now Moving Quickly to Reclassify Conservative Dissent as “Domestic Terrorism”
(JD Heyes) Supporters of President Donald Trump, including those who did not vote for him, had the best champion of ‘the little guy and gal’ in the Oval Office in our lifetimes.