(Jim Hoft) New York Times and Washington Post Pulitzer winners for their garbage Trump-Russia collusion hoax — From left: Maggie Haberman, Jo Becker, Matt Apuzzo, Rosalind Helderman, Tom Hamburger, Ellen Nakashima, Adam Entous, Greg Miller and Mark Mazetti accept the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting from Columbia University.
fake news
WATCH: AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake After AZ Audit Results – Calls For INDICTMENTS Against LYING Fake News: “We Should Look At CRIMINALLY Charging Them As Well”
(Jordan Conradson) On Friday, Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake called for indictments against the mainstream media for their participation in the 2020 election cover-up.
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2019 CDC Memo on Ivermectin Blows a Hole in Media’s Narrative It’s Just a ‘Horse Treatment’
(Kyle Becker) The anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin got a big boost in its reputability for treating Covid-19 when popular podcaster Joe Rogan testified to its effectiveness in his case. The news media went absolutely ballistic over the news and blasted the drug as merely a ‘horse dewormer’ and ‘not fit to be ingested by humans.’
Reuters Is Now Functioning As the Public Relations Arm for Antifa, All While Attacking and Defaming Heroic U.S. Doctors Who Tell the Truth About Vaccines and Ivermectin
(Ethan Huff) The fake news cesspool known as Reuters published a bizarre piece the other day glorifying the rag-tag bunch of pasty-white domestic terrorists known as Antifa (“antifascists”) for their “militant activism” against the “extremist right” in America. At the very same time, Reuters continues to attack and vilify doctors who prescribe healing ivermectin rather than “vaccines” to their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients.
LAIR BUSTED: Rolling Stone Forced To Correct Story That Falsely Claimed Oklahoma Hospital Was Overrun With Ivermectin Overdoses
(Andrew White) More fake news coming from “trusted sources.”
BUSTED: Hospital Statement Calls Out Ivermectin ‘Fake News’ That Was Spread by Rachel Maddow
(Kyle Becker) Rachel Maddow is no stranger to fake news. But the MSNBC host’s wild conspiracy theories and inaccurate reporting has typically revolved around political gossip, Capitol Hill intrigue, and a chronic case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Utility Workers Wait for Joe Biden’s Motorcade in Louisiana then All Turn Their Back on Him
(Jim Hoft) Utility workers in Louisiana were filmed waiting for Joe Biden’s motorcade to pass and when he got there they all turned their back on him.
Oklahoma Dr. Jason McElyea Spreads Rumor that People Taking Ivermectin are Flooding Local Hospitals — Turns Out to Be Complete Lie But Fake News Ran with It Anyway
(Jim Hoft) There were reports earlier that Oklahoma emergency rooms were filling up with people overdosing on Ivermectin.
Media Runs Fake News Stories of the Year to Smear Joe Rogan for Beating Covid Using New Meds
(100 Percent Fedup) The leftist media went into overdrive to try and discount Joe Rogan’s quick recovery from Covid. While Fox News warned that the CDC and FDA are warning against using ivermectin, some publications went full-blown fake news.
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AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: Smacks Down Fake News Bret Baier, AGAIN – The Media Stole This Election
(Jordan Conradson) Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers laid some smack on Bret Baier who fraudulently declared the election results in Arizona before the polls were even closed.
Fake Mom Rakes In $200K After CNN Runs Fake News That Tricked People Into Helping Her
(Dillon Burroughs) A woman who raked in almost $200,000 in donations after an appearance on CNN falsely claimed she was the mother of three young children who faced homelessness.
Biden Goes on Bizarre Rant, Says People Who Spread Misinformation Should ‘Look In The Mirror’
(Martin Walsh) Joe Biden raised eyebrows on Monday when he gave a series of bizarre comments about inflation, misinformation, and other major topics.
EXCLUSIVE: Fake News Strikes Again – Guardian, WaPo and Soros Media Concoct “Flimsy Story” to Attack Orbán, Modi, Patriotic Governments
(Richard Abelson) The Soros attack on the patriotic government of Hungary is escalating: Now The Guardian, the Washington Post, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and other Soros-linked media are charging the Orbán government with “waging war on the media in Hungary” and “spying on independent journalists” using Israeli spy software.
Report: Pelosi Will Create Committee to Investigate Jan. 6
(Martin Walsh) Democrats are caught up in a fake news cycle
“They Are Now Admitting I Was Right About Everything” – Trump Goes SCORCHED EARTH on Fake News, Lying Democrat Hacks
(Jim Hoft) President Trump went scorched earth on the fake news-Lying Democrat hacks today in his latest press release.