(Patty McMurray) Lucas Liller, a 13-year-old Lyman Gilmore Middle School student whose parents are both police officers in California, was reprimanded by a substitute teacher for wearing a “Blue Lives Matter” American flag face mask to show his support for law enforcement. A student in the classroom filmed the teacher berating Liller for wearing the mask with a “thin blue line” running through the American flag.
face mask
Elderly Woman Stops Shoplifter at Walmart, Rips Off His Face Mask and Gives Him Verbal Beatdown (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Canada – An elderly woman stopped a shoplifter from leaving a Campbell River Walmart over the weekend.
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“I Don’t Think So” – Dr. Fauci Asked If He Ever Thinks Americans Will Be Able to Fly Without Face Masks Again (VIDEO)
(Julian Conradson) Dr. Fauci hit the cable news morning shows once again on Sunday to promote the experimental vaccine and, of course, rail on Americans to keep their masks on.
Study: Face Mask Littering Increased By 9000% In First Months Of Pandemic; May Have HELPED SPREAD The Virus
(Steve Watson) In the UK, used PPE accounted for 6.5% of ALL litter
Caught on Video: Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib Admits She Only Wears a Face Mask For the Cameras
(Cristina Laila) It’s all for show. Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Wednesday was caught on video admitting she only wears a face mask for the cameras.
UK Hospital MELTS Face Masks To Deal With Coronavirus-Related Waste
(Arsenio Toledo) A hospital in the United Kingdom is melting face masks as a way of dealing with significant amounts of medical waste due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
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Brave 11-Year-Old Girl Kicked Out of School for Refusing to Continue Wearing a Mask
(Cassandra Fairbanks) A brave and outspoken 11-year-old girl says that she has been kicked out of school after she refused to continue wearing a mask in her hot classroom — declaring the requirement to be child abuse.
Husband Wears Face Mask During Sex!
(Paul Joseph Watson) A woman wrote to Slate’s agony aunt columnist complaining that not only does her husband refuse to take off his mask inside the house, he even keeps it on during sex!
It’s Official: Your Mask Can Harm You
(Janet Phelan) The signs are up in so many places now:
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When It Comes to Wearing a Face Mask, It’s Time to Challenge the Pseudo-Science
(Larry Johnson) The intense propaganda to coerce you to wear a face mask is not based on science. It is a pure political power play designed to force you and your children into submission.
Grammy Celebs Blasted Over Face Mask Hypocrisy
(Paul Joseph Watson) Seen kissing and hugging each other during ceremony.
Mississippi Gov: ‘We Will Certainly Fight’ Any Biden Lockdown, ‘Completely Beyond Reasonableness’
(Tim Pearce) Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves said on Thursday that his state would not participate in a national lockdown should one be issued.