(Amber Crawford) In a segment on Fox & Friends, Olympic gold medalist and transgender woman Caitlyn Jenner spoke about the controversy of trans athletes. She also criticized the current NCAA rules, suggesting they should be “a lot more stringent” when it comes to transgender participation.
Coach Sounds the Alarm After Trans Opponent Injures 3 Female Players in a Single Game
(Abby Liebing) A high school ruby league in Guam is being criticized after a transgender athlete injured three female players in a match over the weekend.
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Britain’s First Gay Muslim Politician Found Guilty of Sexual Assault on Teen Boy.
(Raheem J. Kassam) Britain’s first homosexual, Muslim Member of Parliament has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy.
Virginia Tech Swimmer Calls for Boycott: ‘Finals Spot Stolen’ by Biological Male
(Breitbart) Virginia Tech swimmer Reka Gyorgy has gone beyond her initial criticism of the NCAA for its support of transgender swimmer Lia Thomas by calling for an outright boycott of the competition.
Good People Are Standing Up for the Truth About Transgender Ideology and Winning
(Jonathon Van Maren) On the heels of my depressing Tuesday column on how we are losing the war against gender ideology in the courts in the United States, my cynicism has been rebuked by two good news stories out of the United Kingdom.
Arizona High School Cancels ‘Transgender Awareness’ After Parents Fight Back
(Raymond Wolfe) In another recent victory for parents against LGBT ideology creeping into public schools, a Phoenix-area high school stopped a “transgender awareness” week after a wave of backlash from local parents and students.
JK Rowling Enrages Trans Activists With Her Latest Criticism of the Movement
(Jonathon Van Maren) There is perhaps nobody on earth who angers the transgender movement quite as much as J.K. Rowling. She’s a rock-ribbed liberal, she’s worth a billion dollars, her work is beloved by untold millions regardless of a concerted cancellation campaign, and she refuses to shut her mouth.
A Beautiful, Intelligent Declaration Against Transgender Tyranny
(Larry Johnson) Abigail Shrier is a brave patriot and deserves a moment of your time. She is the author of IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters (2020). Named to “Best Books” lists by the Economist, Times of London. She is one of the few to speak out against the transgender insanity that grips America.
Male Weightlifter Will Become First Transgender To Compete At The Olympics’ In A Woman’s Event
(We Love Trump) This is the beginning of the end for women’s sports. A biological male weightlifter will become the first transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics as a woman.
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The Biden Administration Gets Hit with Lawsuit for COVID Aid Discrimination
(Kyle Becker) “A conservative legal group filed a lawsuit against the Small Business Administration (SBA) on Wednesday, alleging that the agency prioritized restaurants owned by minorities and women when allocating funds from its COVID-19 relief package,” the Hill reported.
Even Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner Gets It Right on Boys Playing Girls’ Sports: ‘It Just Isn’t Fair’
(Matt Margolis) Well, color me surprised that the California gubernatorial candidate formerly known as Bruce Jenner has a position on biological boys playing girls’ sports that I actually agree with. Jenner has recently announced his candidacy for governor of California and was asked his position on this issue by TMZ.
Dem Lawmakers Sell Out Women, Ban Female Athletes Planning to Testify Against ‘Equality Act’
(Douglas Golden) The Equality Act, one of the Democrats’ most controversial initiatives, passed the House by a 224-206 vote. It’s now headed to the Senate, where some of the people who will be most affected by it won’t be able to testify in hearings on the bill.
The Equality Act: Big Government Playing Doctor, Badly
(Jay Tucker) The Equality Act, passed by the House of Representatives, purports to target discrimination against so-called transgenders. In reality, the bill, if enacted into law, will itself result in mass discrimination against children who consider themselves members of the opposite sex by unconstitutional, unlawful, and unethical denial of their rights, privileges, and protections. The rights, privileges, and protections eliminated or impeded are (1) the legal and ethical rights, privileges, and protections to which children and their parents are entitled within the doctor-patient relationship; (2) the legal rights and protections accruing to children and their parents related to obligations of medical professionals to secure informed consent to treatment; and (3) benefits to and protection of children arising from the constitutional rights of parents to supervise and control the education, up-bringing, and medical treatment of their children. (The bill is also wrongfully attempting to assert federal control over an alleged health care treatment, a right reserved to the states under the 10th Amendment.)
Equality of Opportunity vs Equality of Outcome
Equality of Opportunity vs Equality of Outcome
New Feminist Monopoly Game Gives Women Unfair Advantage — Causing Upset with Equality Proponents
(Justin Deschamps) Are there unfair advantages depending on gender, race, economic status, and religious affiliation? Yes. Equality of opportunity is a value that most recognize as a good thing, helping to neutralize unfair situations in society. However, setting up the system so some people have more resources than others arguably hinders equality of opportunity. The new feminist monopoly game gives female players more starting money and rewards than male players. What message does this send young women in an already arguably unfair world?