(Zoey Sky) In a post-SHTF world, having a power source is going to be important for your survival, especially if the power grid goes down.
WATCH: Trudeau Revokes Emergencies Act
(Vince Quill) Did Trudeau revoke the emergencies act out of goodwill? I certainly don’t think so…
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Canada Moves to Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent
(Paul Joseph Watson) Canada has moved to make the asset freezing part of its Emergencies Act, which was used to target supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests, a permanent fixture.
Plant-Based Preparedness: The Healthy Way to Prepare for Emergencies
(Ocean Robbins) On November 14, 1943, the 25-year-old assistant conductor for the New York Philharmonic Orchestra was relaxing as the orchestra finished preparations for a nationally broadcast concert at Carnegie Hall. His reverie was interrupted by an urgent message: The guest conductor, Bruno Walter, had just come down with a bad case of the flu and the regular conductor, Artur Rodziński, was unavailable. The assistant would have to conduct the concert with zero rehearsal time.
Be Better Prepared in 28 Days
(Daisy Luther) This guide can help you get prepared with one simple task per day. At the end of just ONE MONTH, you’ll be ready for common emergencies like power outages, financial problems, evacuations, and natural disasters.